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Sorry for not uploading but i was in england and when i got home on sunday i had an accident.  If you wanna find out what happened to me, read the chapter after this cause it relates to me a little bit.  


Same time (Jay's perspective)

Me and Jordan were sitting on the couch laughing about Chelsea. 

"I kinda need to watch out now,'' I said to him.

" why,'' he asked.

" well, last time I saw, she was going out with a football player, or as Americans call it, a jock,'' I said laughing.

" Well I'm sure I'm tougher than him,'' he said sarcastically.

" Okay, calm down,'' I said pating him on the head.

We burst into the fits of giggles!  I loved when that happened.  You were happy and you don't know why!  Me and my dad used to have times like that everyday.  It was so funny!  My mum walked into the living room.  She must have just woken up.

" What are you two laughing at,'' she said trying not to laugh too.

"I...don't...know,'' I said between laughs.

" Well stop,'' she said now laughing too,'' your brother is still asleep!"

All of us were laughing now!   Once we had called down my mum spoke.

" Once we are all ready, I've got a surprise for you Jay,'' she said looking at Jordan

" oh what is it,'' I said.

" Well if I tell you, it isn't a surprise now is it,'' she said laughing.

" I'm gonna go get ready,'' I said jumping up.

I ran upstairs and went into the shower.

Same time (Jordan's perspective)

I've never seen her move that fast!  She ran up the stairs so quickly!  I flicked on the TV and looked for something to watch.  I loved Scotland, only all the channels were different.

" What do you like to watch,'' Jay's mum said.

" Em,  Something funny,'' I said.

" Do you like total wipeout,'' she said holding the remote.

" Yeah, I love it,'' I said smiling.

She flicked through the channels until she stopped on total wipeout USA.

" Is that okay,'' she said smiling.

" Yeah,'' I said.

I love total wipeout.  It was so funny!  I liked the final where it's a huge obstacle course and the quickest person round wins.  Callum walked out of his room.  There were two bedrooms on the top floor.  Jay's and a spare room.  The rest were on the bottom floor.  Jay's mums, Callum's and another spare room.

" Hey,  what cha watchin,'' he asked.

" Total wipeout USA,'' I said.

" Aww I love that!  It's so funny,'' he said jumping onto the couch.

Me and him had more in common than I though.

" Mum, I need the hair dryer!" Jay shouted from the top of the stairs.

" Come get out!" her mum shouted back.

"I can't!" Jay shouted back.

" Honestly, can't get two minutes peace in this house,'' her mum muttered as she went up the stairs.

Me and Callum were now shooting at the TV.  We got on really well together! 

" Will you two, please, shut up,'' Jay's mum said laughing at is.

None of us answered her. 

" Is Jay out the shower,'' I asked.

" Yeah, honey.  She is just out,'' hey mum said.

" Okay,  I'll go get ready then,'' I said standing up. 

Same time (Jay's perspective)

I had just got out the shower.  I was desperate to know what the surprise was.  I had a feeling Jordan knew what it was though, and i was gonna get it out of him.  I heard him come up the stairs and i was still in the bathroom getting dryed.  I saw the handle move.

"NO DON'T COME IN!" I said in a panick.

"Oh god, I'm sorry!" he said backing away from the door.

"It's fine.  I'll be out in a minute," i said.

I put my clothes on and unlocked the door.  I was wearing my black, short, dress with my leggins and brown boots on.  It was my favourite outfit.

When i walked out Jordan starting staring at me.  Most girls wouldn't mind but i have this thing where i get oober-uncomfortable with it. 

"Em," i said not knowing what else to say. 

I felt my whole face start to burn.

"Oh sorry," he said.

"It's fine," i giggled.

He went to get his shower.

Time Skip...

When all of us were ready we jumped in the car and drove off.  We arrived at a garrage and i realised that my mum was getting me a car!

"So, Jay.  Which one," she said.

I felt my mouth hit the floor!  I was getting to choose any car!  Jordan smiled at me.  He did know!

"Well, you choose for me," i said smiling at my mum,"You know what kind i like."

She walked up to a white, Porche convertible! My favourite!  It was the sports one.

"This one," she said smiling back at me!

"Hell Yeah!" i said tackling her with a hug!

We bought the car and since i had passed my driving test i drove home in it with Jordan.

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