01 ✿ Heartstrings

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Dedicated to those that are going through a hard time, no matter what it is, keep in mind that you're worth it and you can get through anything.


Rosaline Blossom

The fact about Rose was that she found the beauty in everything; whether it was admiring the ducklings floating on the surface of a lake or honey lemon tea scenting the air of the local commoner's library she would go to everyday after experiencing a typical high school day. How she decided to see things in a different point of view was a marvelous part of who she truly was.

Of course, she had found beauty in him.

Even after a year of negotiating with a bunch of boys that were in a club, she never understood why she was so attracted to him, but it was hard for her not to be, those hazel-lit eyes of his would make her breath nearly hitch and with a smile blooming on his lips, Rose would become a fit of choked inhales and heavy blushes.

He also had this sensual shadow around him, he never negotiated with others well besides his brother, and with one smolder on his face, Rose felt as if he was trying to persuade her cheeks to flush into three darker shades.

Hikaru Hitachiin had that way with him, he had an odd sense of fashion but it suited him fairly well. Besides falling into the light blazers of Ouran Academy's boy's school uniform, he'd follow the steps of his mother's fashion design; sometimes, he'd wear a typical red t-shirt that boiled Rose's blood as she would clench her fists whenever he wore that goddamn shirt or sometimes, he'd make himself bold by zipping up a zebra furred coat that looked amazing on him, and Rose couldn't even find any other boy pulling off that outrageous jacket besides Hikaru.

Rose's brother, Spencer, introduced Hikaru to his younger sister in an unfortunate kind of greeting. While Rose was dazing off into thin air as the music blasted through her white earbuds, Spencer tried to scream out to his sister, but she was too busy tapping her knees in the beat of the music.

That was when Spencer walked up to his sister and merely poked her shoulder gently, causing Rose to squeal out loud from the sudden fright of her brother appearing right next to her as she stumbled down onto the carpet of the apartment his brother shared with her.

As she looked up at Spencer and then next to the boy with the similar school outfit Spencer was wearing, and then Rose ripped out her earbuds and exclaimed, "holy fuck, I'm sorry! What happened?"

"You big goof," Spencer had said at the time with a cocky grin noticeable on his sunburnt face. "I have a friend over today, I was trying to introduce you to him."

"You could've called my name."

He retorted then, "you didn't hear me, you were busy jamming with your earbuds in."

And that was when Rose sighed audibly, her lungs nearly captivating her as she first glanced up at Spencer's friend—the guy with the auburn ruffled hair and those caramel light eyes that can make anyone's bones become brittle. "Oh," Rose then murmured, "shit, hi."

Hikaru laughed at her foolish greeting, large grin piercing the skin on his face as he practically glowed in front of Rose as she stared at his appearance in awe, taking in his slightly slim body and that marvelous laugh that rung her ears and it sounded so joyous and pleasing, she could want to rewind this moment simply to hear his laugh.

And as many glorious moonlights and simmering sunshines past by, little did Rose know that she would have engaged into a strong relationship with Hikaru; but they were simply friends. Knowing Hikaru, it would take time for him to confess his feelings for her—the girl that was not Rose—but when as the sun sets each day, Rose knew she had to prepare for the time to come.

Even though her heartstrings would snap knowing he would be with the one he truly loved eventually, she was glad that his heartstrings would only have to be tugged with intimacy in the end.

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