28 ✿ Blushes

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Dedicated to harukaloveswater because the username is amazing and the support they gave to this story is fantastic! All the love, dear!

Rosaline Blossom

It was a Monday morning, where the school bell made its echoing noise across the small academy, students poured out of the building in a steady yet fast pace; this left Rose to be alone in the middle of the hallway, with her breath the only noise audible throughout the deafening silence. Soon, a familiar figure skipped past down the hall, allowing her to let a baffled gasp to escape her glossed lips.

Slamming her locker, Rose hit the tip of her forehead against the slim metal as she groaned underneath her breath, clutching onto her advanced chemistry textbook that burned her palms from the heavy weight. "The way you're skipping down the hall seems like you're excited about something," Rose inferred, sending a gentle stare back at her friend.

With a hum hearable past his smirk, he held up his right hand and suddenly ordered a divine bargain to Rose's words. "Obviously," Chimp responded, finally putting his hand down. "I can't wait for that fundraising festival tonight; it's going to be awesome. But there's one thing."

Chewing on her bottom lip, Rose closed her eyes sympathetically. "It's bad news, isn't it?" she deduced.

"To me, yes, but to you, it probably isn't."

"Alright," she shrugged, a clear confused look painted across her face. "Shoot."

"Asher doesn't want to come."

"You're wrong, the bad news is that I'm going to be the only one accompanying you tonight," Rose chuckled, sending a grim smirk to her friend as Chimp gasped loudly, placing a palm on her tense shoulder and shoving her with a playful expression glowing from the tan on his face. "I'm joking, seriously."

"I know," he stuck his tongue out embarrassingly, allowing Rose to roll her eyes in a nonchalant manner as she brushed her shoulders against his. "But we have to convince him to go."

"We? By 'we', I think you mean you and only you."

"I need your charismatic charm to help me convince him to go tonight."

"You're driving in the wrong lane, dude," Rose shook her head, pushing her textbook further into her chest as she hugged the object with her folded slim arms. "There's no way that I'll be able to make him go. Besides, if he doesn't want to go, he doesn't have to."

"Rose!" Chimp exclaimed, stomping his feet around the petite girl as she shrieked in fear while he wailed his arms around abashedly. Rose pouted, tucking her bottom lip in between her teeth. "Ash and I are in Japan for this one time in our lives. Don't you think he should engage in all school activities since we're here?"

Blinking at him, Rose sighed in a desperately defeated tone. "Sure, alright, that makes sense," she responded, glowing up a smirk at Chimp's loud glee to her response. "But what can we do to convince him to come?"

"I mean, there won't be any educational games at the festival, right? Rose, dear God, I had to stand and listen to an old bitch talk about the beauty of art at your art festival a week or two ago, and it was not entertaining."

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