26 ✿ Love Note

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Dedicated to dannyelle_b because they are awesome and super nice, plus fREAKING HILARIOUS LIKE THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS DANNY!


Hikaru Hitachiin

Kaoru had one palm on his hip, glaring down at the wrinkled pieces of paper flown around the wooden table. He shot one more look at Tamaki, who was busy hiding in the corner of the club room, representing a very faint and dark aura around his presence. The Hitachiin scoffed, cupping his free hand around his mouth.

"Hey boss!" he shouted, leaving Hikaru to look up from moving most of the papers that depicted the lantern festival plans. "Quit acting so mopey and help us out with the party planning!"

"Can Usa-chan come to the party?" Honey asked bluntly, revealing his presence out of nowhere as Hikaru looked to be taken back from the blond's charming comment.

"I don't have a problem with that." Kyoya noted, reaching his fingers up to fiddle with the rim of his thin glasses. He continued to scan the papers, mindlessly speaking about how desserts would be an important treat to include for the party; he also claimed that the guests should bring in their own lanterns and wear an gown that wasn't too ornate.

Kaoru nodded in agreement. "I feel like we should have that one stream near Ouran open specifically for the party."

"Since when did Ouran have their own river?" Haruhi questioned, exposing an exasperated look as she shook her head.

"For quite some time Haruhi," Kyoya chuckled deeply, closing his black notebook with a light slam as he placed his writing utensil down on the table. "But let's not discuss that unimportant matter. Right now, the boss seems to be sidetracked; someone explain to me why he is sulking in that corner."

The Hitachiins looked over to Tamaki, who still kept his back turned away from the others, and the twins huffed in synchronization, throwing their arms around each other. "It's because he's very upset that Haruhi has decided to turn down tuxedo shopping with him," they explained.

Hikaru tugged on his dark sweater, looking over at Haruhi who shook her head. She sighed quietly before speaking, "I didn't mean to turn down his request. Tamaki-Senpai shouldn't worry about that stuff anyways. I'll just use the old tuxedo I got from the last ball we had."

"Trying to save money, are you?" Kyoya inquired. "However, it wouldn't be much of an interest to our guests if they see you wear the exact same attire you have worn last time. They're not that foolish to forget such things, Haruhi. They are our guests after all."

"Whatever, Senpai. I just find it uncomfortable that I'd have to be around Tamaki-Senpai in public places. Besides, I can probably ask Mrs. Hitachiin if she's willing to—"

"Our mom would love to create a design for you," Hikaru and Kaoru responded quickly, clapping as they nodded their heads childishly. "The problem is that we don't have anything to wear ourselves."

"I'm sure you two can figure something out." Kyoya said, moving a random loose blank of paper around the table. "We need to write down what kind of food is needed at the party and what our guests should be wearing."

"Well, they should bring the lanterns—" Hikaru started.

"—that's for sure." Kaoru concluded.

"Obviously," the Ootori boy sighed, shaking his head. "Of course, fancy seafood dishes and some elegant snacks would be nice; I'll have one of my personal chefs give me some type of recipes that would be appropriate for ballroom parties like this."

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