14 ✿ Confusion

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Dedicated to chocolaterulez because her writing is superb and I've fallen in love with "How to Break a Boy's Heart" after reading the prologue past midnight! Keep writing sweetie, you have outstanding talent.


Rosaline Blossom

It didn't take her long to prance through the hallways of Ouran Academy, with pink splattered upon the walls that made her a bit nauseous from how elegant the place looked compared to her original commoner high school. After passing a corner every now and then, Rose would pant heavily while thinking about how grotesque her school was apart from Ouran; making the rich academy a bouquet of flowers comparing her own academy to be nothing but shattered leaves.

Finally, reaching the specific music room that held the Host Club, Rose clutched onto the door handles and slowly twisted the knobs, allowing the doors to flutter open and that was when a spring-welcoming gust of a breeze and delicate petals tickled her cheek.

(She caught a few petals in her mouth, and she spat out an embarrassing cough.)

Adjusting her vision, what was in front of her was the typical Host Club decked out in different clothed designs of kimonos, with their eyes—well, some of them—watering briskly. Rose blinked at the sight, swatting away any of the petals that were flowering towards her way.


Rose slammed the door shut.

"What the hell are they doing in there?" she groaned, hitting her forehead against the pastel pink wooden door. Soon, the doors opened quickly and she would've fell to the spotless floor if it wasn't for someone getting in the way of her slip. "Ah!"

"Rosa!" Tamaki shouted out loud in pure admiration, letting the girl fall into his chest and he hugged her tightly, pulling her close to him as he chuckled while scorching a blush on his cheeks. "My little girl, why did you slam the door on us like that?"

"Because I didn't want to deal with whatever you guys were planning to do and—hey, you're crushing me too hard, please stop," Rose giggled in pain as Tamaki kept his grasp onto her tighter, and she tried to pull him away so she could take a load of oxygen to flow through her crushed lungs, but he was far too strong for her petite structure.

"MiLord, I think you should let Blossom go," Kaoru's familiar voice spoke up behind Tamaki.

"But what if my little rose tries to run off on us again?" Tamaki cried out, on the edge of screeching his voice.

"I wasn't trying to run off," Rose clarified, her palms on Tamaki's chest and she grasped onto the loose cloth of his dark blue kimono. "I just didn't want to get anymore of those stupid rose petals in my mouth, plus I also didn't want to involve myself in whatever act you guys are doing now. I'm just looking for my brother."

"I still don't want to let you go!"

"Boss, let Rosaline go," Hikaru's voice was audible, his voice was smoothened with a deep stern. "Now."

"Hikaru, I'm not letting you—"

"Boss!" Hikaru grabbed onto Tamaki's arm and pulled him away from Rose's grip, and throughout his entire face itched an uncontrollable sentiment of enviousness. "I told you to let her go."

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