17 ✿ Nervousness

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Dedicated to whatisotaku for supporting my story and willing to make me feel better about my writing no matter how insecure I get about it. Thank you for everything!

I've decided to keep the " ~ " symbol for my chapters, so remember, when you see it, play the music up above


Kaoru Hitachiin

He was steadfast; shoving his brother right from the bed as he bolted up from the cushions (ignoring Hikaru's muffled swears, of course) to dash into the bathroom. Kaoru brushed his teeth in a rapid speed, turned on the faucet of the shower and enhanced the coconut smell from the body wash in the room, and after prepping himself up, he stepped out of the bathroom.

Covered in a light blue robe and tugging on the tied fluffy straps nervously, Hikaru threw a pillow at him. Kaoru dodged, letting the cushion hit one of their baby pictures on the wall, and then whipped his head towards his brother, "I woke up early, sorry."

"No you're not," Hikaru moped, letting his face fall flat on the other pillow.

That was this morning, and now Kaoru was fiddling with the watch on his wrist as he rested his back against the creamy colored wall, letting his nervousness take over a bit harshly on his breathing pace. Hikaru took note of his brother's actions, glanced at the grandfather clock once—it was almost three in the afternoon—and then raised a brow at his brother, "why are you nervous? Is something up?" Hikaru asked.

Kaoru chuckled hesitantly, "maybe."

Hikaru didn't want to take a 'maybe' as an answer, and now he was starting to worry since he was anxiously rolling up the sleeves of his wrinkled white sweater. "Are you going to be doing something that I should know about?"

"Well, I have a date."

His brother's mouth gaped open and then he smirked cheekily at Kaoru, rubbing his chin. "A date? Kaoru, I had no idea that you had someone wrapped around your finger."

Kaoru shrugged, losing eye contact. "It's not really anything. We're just going to visit one of those commoner malls and—"

"Wait a second, who are you taking out on this date?"

"Blossom," Kaoru grinned at his brother. "Also known as Rose."

"I know who you're talking about," Hikaru huffed. His smirk faded away quickly and now, he was clenching his fists. Kaoru could tell his brother was starting to envy him, and all that he could think about was how smoothly his plan was slowly making progress. "Why are you taking Rose out on a date?"

"Because I can, and I want to."

"You shouldn't even call it a date if you two are just hanging out, you know."

Kaoru shrugged, licking his lips and then he rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt. "Well, I called it a date, and she said she was alright with it."

Hikaru scrunched up his nose, unleashing an aura of jealousy around his figure. "What?"

"I'm not doing anything wrong," Kaoru shrugged again and sighed deeply. "No need to be so upset about it Hikaru, it's alright. I'll take care of Blossom for today."

"Like hell you are," he scoffed and got up from the bed. Hikaru's hands were clenched onto the thin white sheets. "If you screw with her feelings or make this a horrible day for her, I'm going to beat you up Kaoru. Don't even think about hurting her."

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