02 ✿ Ice Cream

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Dedicated to my friend, Erin, who has always been there to support my fanfiction writing even though I think I'm the worst writer ever. Thanks for the love girl!


Rosaline Blossom

"Why are you curling your hair at like, three in the morning?"

Rose looked at her older brother, who was lacking sleep but at the same time, he held an ocean within his eyes despite the fact he was growing dark circles. "Because I'm seeing Hikaru in about ten minutes, and he wants to take me out for a bit," she answered.

"At three in the morning," Spencer huffed, rubbing his eyes harshly.

"You need to sleep," Rose sighed, putting down her curling iron while she ran her fingers through the finished look of her white dyed locks. "You've been working too hard on that physics project of yours, I don't think you're getting any sleep at all."

"I never sleep."

"Okay, but you should, you look like a freaking zombie," Rose slightly pushed her brother aside while he rested his left arm against the wooden doorframe. He heard her brother chuckle audibly behind her, and she turned around, clutching onto the ends of her maroon sleeves. "Why do you do that to yourself, Spence?"

Spencer looked at her, a questioning look painted on his face. "What do you mean?"

"You always work so hard..." Rose muttered, looking down at the floor as she played with the tips of her fingers. "You gotta take a breather, get some rest, I know how important the class is to you but don't overwork yourself."

"I know, Rosie, I know," he exhaled a sharp breath before looking up at his younger sister. "Same with you though."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're trying so hard to look good for Hikaru," he pointed out, throwing his hands around his sister's image as he threw his palms into the pocket of his denim jeans and shot her an innocent smile. "My sister is already lovely the way she is, she doesn't need one of my idiotic friends—"

"Like hell," Rose snapped, trying to muffle out her harsh tone of voice. "Hikaru isn't idiotic."

"Oh sure, defend your one true love."

"He isn't—you know what, you should get some rest."

Spencer winked at his younger sister and laughed out loud, the sound echoing throughout the entire apartment. "I will after I take notes for this new physics unit we're learning in class."


"I will sleep," Spencer spoke up, raising one of his palms as he exhaled, "but since my super hot physics teacher is out because she's having a baby, I'm stuck with a jackass old guy that can't even pronounce 'quantum' right; I can't believe I have him, Rose—it's so not happening."

And his sister chuckled at his words, "aren't you sharing the class with Kaoru and—"

"—your lover, yes," Spencer earned a smack on his shoulder for that (and he even kept a smirk upon his chapped lips). "But seriously, when you see Hikaru tonight, slap him across the face, would you? Bastard number one and bastard number two—and yes, I'm referring to those Hitachiin assholes—kept tossing me sushi shaped erasers the entire session, which got us into some eraser tossing fight and I couldn't take some notes for today."

"Have fun taking notes," Rose said, wailing her hand around cheerfully. "But for the love of God, don't say that Hikaru is my lover, please."

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