08 ✿ Advice

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Dedicated to my mom, even though she doesn't know I write this story *sweats nervously* it's her birthday today sooo, love you mama!


Rosaline Blossom

"Rosie, you're my best sis. But if you don't tell Bastard Number One how you truly feel soon, I think I'm going to be the one with the pair of balls to actually tell him for you."

Rose threw a pillow at Spencer, who was hopelessly trying to get the PlayStation Move controller to work in his hands but instead, after fiddling around with the device and nearly throwing it at the TV, he decided to take out the gaming disc to put in something else; possibly a game that uses the regular controller and not some device that was a spin-off of the Wii.

"Spencer, you told me you understood..." Rose murmured into her sky blue zebra blanket (you know, those blankets with the sleeves; Rose was engulfed in that one) and she huffed, "Hikaru loves Haruhi. Not me. My name isn't Haruhi Fujioka."

"Your name is the name of a flower and if that isn't pretty enough then I don't know what is," he responded then placed a finger on his chin, tapping it. "Well, your nickname is the name of a flower, but Rosaline is still pretty."

"Well, thanks, I guess."

"But that's not the point here," he almost flung the PlayStation controller to the nearest bouquet of flowers that were resting in a glass vase.

(Apparently, Spencer got it from a lucky girl that admired him from school. He turned to Rose with a wide grin and said, "see little sis, I can get game. It's unfortunate you're stuck with an jackass that can't seem to be in love with my charming sister. So sad."

Rose chuckled at that.)

"If you don't confess how you feel so—oh my God, why won't the system read the disc?" Spencer dropped the controller and threw his hands up in the air in defeat.

Rose shook her head, toying her delicate fingers on the mug of blueberry scented tea—as usual, it was her favorite, of course—and bit her bottom lip, deepening her mind with a whirlwind of thoughts. "I mean, I don't even have the confidence to tell him, Spencer. And even if I did, there's no use. He loves someone else, someone that isn't me."

Spencer turned around, sickening look on his face. "Rosie, I love you, but you gotta confess to him soon. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to take one for the team for you."

"Spencer, please don't do that."

"Honestly, I will if I have to. It's been like, fucking what Rose? A year since you wanted to keep your virginity for this guy?"

"Hold on, that's totally not—"

"Take a joke," he laughed, feeling accomplished as he picked up his controller again. "Real talk, though. When you see him tomorrow, you better try to make a move, even though you think it won't work, just fucking do it."

Rose raised her eyebrows, inhaling a breath. "Well, what am I supposed to do to make a move? We're talking about Hikaru; someone who is in love with someone else—"

"He's just an idiot for not falling for you. I don't even think Fujioka feels the same fucking way."

"You don't know that... maybe she does."

"No, I doubt it." Spencer groaned.

"Why say that?" Rose shrugged.

"Have you seen the way she looks at Kyoya? It's fucking ridiculous," he shook his head and then pointed at his sister sharply. "However, you won't ever be off the hook unless you confess to Bastard Number One."

"Spencer! He doesn't feel the same way!"

"To hell with that," he let out a squeal, finally able to go to the home page of the video game, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate and he cheekily smirked at himself for being nerdy as usual. "Rosie, I know that Hikaru is practically engaging his eyes with Haruhi, but it's not too late to show him what he's missing out on. Not at all, you got a chance little sis, you always have. Don't let his feelings for Haruhi turn you down, I'm not giving up—ah shit—on you and Hikaru, so make me fucking proud okay."

Rose blinked, not really sure how to respond to her brother. Spencer did have a point, she should take the chances when she can—even if Hikaru had his mind set for someone else, but it would hurt her knowing that she would have this hope that would soon be over encumbered with a sorrowful, despair feeling; knowing she won't ever be with Hikaru was a truth she was still trying to accept, so making her 'moves' would only make her feel worse in the end.

"I'll think about it," Rose sighed, wanting to drop the subject.

"You better," Spencer anxiously looked at the loading screen, taking over the main assassin with the gaming controller and he turned to his sister, a comforting smile painted on his face as he crinkled his nose. "Hey, wanna play? I've been playing all day."

"Sure," Rose shrugged absentmindedly, taking the controller from her brother as Spencer hopped off the heavy oak coffee table to fall on the white leather couch, sulking himself with the extra blankets Rose brought.

"Finish a couple missions for me," Spencer moped, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Since you can't even control the carriage properly, I might as well."

"I'm not that bad at video games."

"You stop at red lights in GTA."

"I was bored—"

Rose interrupted, "when you had a three star wanted level, dumbass. You don't follow traffic rules for that."

Spencer quipped, "oh be quiet."

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