TC ✿ Jealousy

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To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Hey Hikaru?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Hey Rosaline. Something wrong?

read 9:09pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Whatever happened to your gift for Kyoya...?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Oh fuck

read 9:19pm

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I kinda dropped it somewhere when I got pissed off at myself for... well pissing you off lol

read 9:22pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

So what happens now?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I don't care really. I just used my pocket money for that, it wasn't even much. You commoners have really cheap stuff so it's whatever lmao

read 9:31pm

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I'll give him a card or something, I don't know. I'll... what do you commoners say?

read 9:34pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

You'll 'wing it'?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Ah, that's it! Yeah, I'll wing it :)

read 9:37pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Oh okay, well I also wanted to ask if Kaoru was okay

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

What about him? He's fine.

read 9:41pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

When you stayed over last night, he called and he was worried but he also sounded a bit off. It seemed like something was bothering him, so I wanted to know if you knew something was up.

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Man, if you're so worried about him, just text him yourself.

read 9:45pm

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I'm not some messenger who should keep you updated about every little thing.

read 9:50pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Considering you're his brother, I thought you should know about something.

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Well, I don't. How about you just go and ask him yourself?

read 10:03pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Is something wrong? You seem really irritated right now.

read 10:05pm

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I'm fine, Rosaline. How about YOU go talk to my brother and see if he's okay yourself.

read 10:07pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

I didn't mean to piss you off... I'm just worried about Kaoru. He seemed off when I talked to him on the phone, it's like something is on his mind.

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Then how about YOU talk to him about it and not me!!

read 10:10pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Don't get mad... are you like, jealous or something?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

That's stupid. Why would I be?

read 10:15pm

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I just don't see why you're asking me. That's it.

read 10:20pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Well, I thought you knew, that's why I asked. You don't need to be so uptight about it. Are you okay?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I'm fine?

read 10:23pm

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Well okay, I'll see you tomorrow for Kyoya's birthday then.

To: Hikaru Hitachiin

Goodnight, and take care of yourself okay?

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

Same with you. Night.

read 10:42pm

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