06 ✿ Imperfect Art

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Dedicated to MonicaGraceKelly for being so sweet and supporting to this book! I appreciate all the love you give me for this book, so thank you again :)

Rosaline Blossom

"Why were you using Spencer's room to paint instead of yours?"

Hikaru asked out loud, looking down at the scattered paint bottles and used brushes on Spencer's messy carpeted floor. He heaved tiredly, bending his knees to pick up any of the empty spray cans and whatever art supplies Rose typically used.

"Um," Rose spoke in a soft voice, reaching out to the canvas that was ripped on the edges along and she groaned audibly at the sight. "Damn."

"What's wrong?" Hikaru asked, looking up at Rose.

"I just got this new canvas but," she inspected the object once more, running the tips of her fingers through the brittle touch of the surface and she rolled her eyes at the edges nearly ripped, where white was now turned to a wrinkly, cardboard brown. "It looks like it won't be used right since it's well, kind of ripped."

"So what if it's ripped?" Hikaru shrugged, not really minding the sight. He moved over on the carpet to drawl himself close to Rose and he was right next to her tensed shoulders, and Rose felt as if she was going to lose her pace of breathing from how close his mouth was to her quivering shoulder. "Who cares really, you can still use it. It's not really used, but you shouldn't let it go to waste."

"Yeah," Rose spoke quietly as she placed the canvas down. Hikaru moved his position and looked around the bedroom once more and he scrunched up his nose, causing Rose to slightly chuckle. "What's wrong with my brother's—"

"It smells like alcohol and sweat, I don't think this is typical for a commoner's apartment," he complained.

"It always does, but I don't mind it."

"Still, you haven't answered my question," the twin picked up a half-bottle of turquoise blue paint and moved it around in his hands, acting as if he had never seen such a thing before. "If it smells like... that here, why paint here?"

"My room is a bit too bright, and I like painting when it's kinda dull and dark. I usually light a few candles or turn on the lamps in his room to help me see better."

"So, you paint along with the atmosphere?"

Rose turned away. "It helps me create new ideas in my head so I can jot them onto a sheet of paper or a canvas."

"I guess that makes sense."

Hikaru shifted around the room, glancing at empty spray cans and he eyed at a couple of flipped over canvases and he raised his eyebrows. That was when Rose turned around, eyes enlarging as she tried to reach over his ankle to grab him but it was a bit too late, then Hikaru picked up a canvas and turned it around, nearly gasping at the view in front of his eyes that depicted a sense of curiosity.

And the painting he picked up had to be one of the paintings that Rose used with the last set of her clean brushes; where the purple swirls were mixing in with a type of pink Hikaru had never seen before, and a messy, yet dramatic looking heart was in the middle of the surface, depicting some type of darkening churns within the heart as the background was a ingenious grey.

"You painted this?" Hikaru asked, arching one of his brows as Rose didn't bother to look at the boy and she nodded shyly, wishing he had left whenever he had the chance to, and she looked down at her bare feet, fiddling with her toes anxiously. "It looks really chaotic, but it's actually pretty good."

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