27 ✿ Accident

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Dedicated to anyone that needs a smile: you're beautiful and worth it, I'm glad you exist in this world. Someone out there appreciates your existence; stay strong and fight through each day, you are worth it.

Keep in mind, when you see " ~ ", play the music up above.


Hikaru Hitachiin

He held his fist high, a worried expression sketched on his face as his eyes crinkled endlessly and soon, Hikaru pounded against the apartment door.

"What if Rosie-chan doesn't want to come out and play?" Honey asked, keeping one hand tucked into his khaki pants while his free arm was gripping onto his stuffed bunny.

Shaking his head, Tamaki sighed as he placed a palm on his forehead, clearly trying not to portray another dramatic act. "She will," he responded, and soon, he crossed his arms. "She's not going to be staying away from us forever, and same with Spencer."

"It's just weird that Spencer-chan and Rosie-chan have not been around us for so long."

"Maybe they're sick," Haruhi inferred, depicting a small shrug as she fiddled with the ends of her dark blue crumpled t-shirt. "We shouldn't disturb them if something is going on."

"I just want Rosaline to be okay." Hikaru spoke up, tapping his right foot impatiently.

Starting to feel aggravated, he threw his fist up in order to knock of the door again swiftly, and eventually, the front door swung open. Hikaru's worried hazel irises expanded as he looked at a very tired Spencer, who was decked out in a dark hoodie and loose pants that were nearly about to slip from his waist; nonetheless, he looked exhausted and the dragged aura he sent off did not make the Hitachiin boy feel comfortable.

"Oh, hey Spencer." Kaoru perked up, placing a palm on Hikaru's tensed shoulder as the older twin slowly placed his fist down. "I tried texting you we were coming, but you didn't respond to my messages or leave a voicemail."

"Right." Spencer shook his head, deciding to throw a hand in his tousled dark hair and he huffed out a breath. "Sorry that I haven't been in school for a while, but uh, I guess you guys can come in."

Moving aside, the Blossom boy continued to ruffle his hair and allowed his right hand to rest on the cool doorknob, letting the door swing on its own. Soon, the Host Club members decided to waltz in and take their time on removing their shoes, and it was an awkward silence between Spencer and Hikaru.

It was clear to Spencer that Hikaru deeply cared about Rosaline; Hikaru knew that on his own. For sure, and it was possibly due to the reason that both of them are close friends. That had to be it.

"Do you guys want a glass of water or something?" Spencer asked, finally closing the door carefully as he turned around, walking away from the others as he placed both of his hands down the loose pockets of his baggy sweatpants.

Hikaru shook his head, continuing to brush his arm against Spencer's as he muffled out a yawn that escaped his lips. He rushed around small hallway, eyes scanning the light tanned wall and he threw both of his palms up to his shoulders, trying to rub away the worrying stress that seemed to boil underneath his skin. Soon, Hikaru scoffed out a tired breath while blocking out the light footsteps audible behind him.

"Ah Honey!" Spencer claimed drowsily, allowing Hikaru to turn around and face the Blossom boy with a pout etched on his lips. "You didn't bring any cakes today?"

Honey grinned widely and quickly turned his smile to a downing frown. "Sorry Spencer-chan, I ate the rest of the leftovers we had this week. Maybe next time when we come back, I'll bring extra slices for you and Rosie-chan, oka—"

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