15 ✿ Basket[balls]

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Dedicated to my friend Michelle, who is such a sweetheart and is willing to be there for me in hard times, for telling me that my writing in this story is superb. Thank you girl.


Rosaline Blossom

Rose kept a blank face while watching the Hitachiin twins, decked out in white and blue basketball uniforms that popped out their appearance more than usual, with sweat drizzling their forehead and pants escaping their luscious mouths; the view was quite pleasant, but the aroma of multiple school girls decked out in their uniforms was not.

"Why am I here?" Rose mumbled underneath her breath, itching back a scoff.

Her brother pushed his arm to her own, grinning. "Because you want the best view of Hikaru playing basketball."

"I just think this entire set-up is stupid and unnecessary."

Clicking his tongue, Spencer rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I find this a waste of my time."

"Then why are we still here?"

Scrunching up his nose, Spencer snorted as he ran a palm through his ruffled dark hair, soft cut bangs falling upon his eyes. "Because that fucking manager of the club—what's her face, Renge? Whatever. She's making me her servant. I already had to tell her that I was going to get her a cup of ice tea, but when I came back, she said she preferred water after I got her tea. Ridiculous."

Rose pursed her lips humorously. "Wow, sucks for you."

"Lucky for you, it doesn't. You get to watch Hikaru play basketball and I'm sure he looks absolutely sexy to you in that attire, hmm?"

"Obviously," Rose huffed childishly.

With a grin, Spencer spoke, "honestly, they've been playing for about ten minutes, and I don't know what Renge is trying to do for them. I'm just here to serve her when it's fucking needed."

"It must be irritating."

"Believe me, little sis, I'm gonna cut her one day."

Rose gritted her teeth, fighting back a chuckle. "Careful, that's violent."

"Like I give a shit."

Hikaru whirled around to toss the basketball in his hands to Kaoru, and that was when the younger twin managed to grab ahold of the ball, continuing to dribble along the court with a competitive look on his face (forehead lines itched in pure focus and teeth gritted tightly with a lip bite here and there; Kaoru was definitely not going to be defeated.)

But before Kaoru could try to throw up the ball to the opponent's hoop, one tug down on the floor caused it all with an untied shoelace and a clumsy act. He slammed down to the floor as the basketball shot out of his palms.

Rose turned her head to speak to her brother but before her mouth could partially open, her head felt a slam as she was knocked off the back bench, with the mind turning into a dark vision and a blurry universe.

One of the girls that was standing on the first bleacher close to the court gasped out loud, covering her mouth quickly as she cried, "oh my gosh, are you okay?"


Hikaru's voice cried out loud as Rose heard multiple footsteps audible to her, and she had to rub the side of her head repeatedly to ease the slight pain that stung onto the skin, and she huffed out a heavy breath.

"What the hell, Kaoru?" Hikaru roared out loud angrily, bending down to lean closer to Rose, who was hugging her head as if it was ready to pop off.

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