04 ✿ Sketchbook

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Dedicated to my friend, Sam, for being there for me and for supporting me on this story. I love you so much, thank you for being strong and beautiful


Rosaline Blossom

It had been a day since Hikaru last contacted Rose that night, and the words "You don't understand how hard it is to see someone you love, love someone else" roamed throughout her head and so badly, she wanted to sob. Hikaru had no idea how she felt, however she couldn't speak up about her feelings. It wouldn't matter if she did—at least that's how she saw it, and she knew that nothing could ever happen between the two.

As so he makes it seem, his heart belonged to Haruhi, and even though Rose envied the girl, she was happy knowing that Hikaru was able to fall for someone that can make him happier than she could.

Rose tapped the her fragile mug with a metal spoon that was covered with a dark substance, and she gripped onto the handle tightly, almost as if she was ready to throw the object at someone who tried to intervene with her moment of silence.


The faint sound of her brother was heard, and she turned around, white hair nearly falling into her colorful blue eyes that held a darkening feeling—the emotion of despair, hopelessness, and loneliness; she wanted to rip out her tangled strands and fall to the floor in tears, but she knew Hikaru wouldn't want to see her upset, so she pulled back the hurtful thoughts and then stared into Spencer's eyes.

"You left your art supplies in my bedroom, again," Spencer nearly groaned into his hand, wiping his face with a tired palm and then he waved off, turning around on his feel, and huffed out, "please get your stuff so I don't trip on anymore spray cans or tiny fucking paint cans around my room."

Rose didn't respond.

Instead, she stayed quiet, fiddling her index finger as it battled her thumb while tightening the grasp on the mug that scented the air with a strong smell of coffee. Shaking her head, Rose loosened the grip and then she walked towards Spencer, who was groggily walking away from her.

His chocolate brown hair was tousled all around, almost as if he was rolling non-stop on his bed and Rose reached out to his wrist, holding onto him gently and Spencer spun around, confusion splattered on his face. "Rosaline?" he asked.

From saying her real name, Rose tightened her grasp on his wrist, and she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing could come out of her mouth.

She wanted to speak about Hikaru's text conversation with her—how the boy claimed that it really made him jealous to see Tamaki be around his love, Haruhi and—her heart started to beat quickly and then she squinted her eyes, allowing the shadowy blue turn into a watery mix as tears began to flow from her lower eyelids, and she tightened her lips, biting her tongue with her teeth.

"Rosie, are you okay?" Spencer asked, raising one of his dark brows in an odd arch and he parted his lips once Rose removed her touch from his wrist. "You're about to cry... what's wrong?"

Rose shook her head, already regretting turning to her brother. She had a worry that Spencer was getting irritated with her venting about Hikaru; she knew that she had to leave him alone for a bit. Plus, with that exasperated look on his face and unsteady voice, she wanted him to get his rest.

"Rosaline, what happened?" he asked, emphasizing his vocal tone in a harsher yet gentler way.

"I don't think you're getting your rest," Rose mumbled softly, her voice barely audible as she tugged onto the sleeves of her pink sweater that depicted a poorly drawn moon in the middle of the cloth. "I worry about you."

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