20 ✿ Rose

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Dedicated to all of you for voting on this story and for commenting on it and just simply supporting it in general. I reached 500 votes and that's amazing to me, thank you all so much. I love you all dearly.


The Hitachiin Twins

When they had met Spencer, it was a few days before summer vacation, and the Blossom boy gave off an uncanny introduction. It wasn't the typical greeting where he introduced himself kindly to the two brothers, it was a bit more odd, to say the least. And this was when the Hitachiin brothers were being gestured around by that random Tamaki Suoh boy who was trying to get the two to be a part of this club he's creating.

During their times in the middle school of Ouran, they were second years, and Tamaki was a third year. He persuaded them that he would be able to figure out which one was Hikaru from the twins for that month; they didn't want to engage themselves in a silly game, even though it was contradictory since they made up the deal in the first place with the Suoh boy.

And they were in a classroom, getting yelled at by the blond boy who was currently embarrassing them to no end, by shouting out loud comments such as "Hikaru is right handed!" and it was clearly obvious that the twins were agitated with him.

"You're annoying," Kaoru muttered in response back at the Suoh boy as they exited the classroom with their graceful school bags in their hands.

"Man, that guy is really getting on my nerves," Hikaru complained, shaking his head as his fringed auburn hair swayed.

That was when they reached the end of the hallway, where they passed by old Ouran paintings hung above the wall along with the audible noise of their footsteps clacking against the spotless floor.

Soon, a person turned to them, purposefully catching their attention as he batted his eyelashes, where blue met with hazel eyes and his dark oak hair was an enhanced feature for his appearance.

The twins glared at him angrily. And Christ, they didn't bother to give the mysterious student a chance to know his own name; they simply figured he was someone to be thrown away in their lives and perhaps a person that wasn't titled to be worthy to them.

"Who the hell are you?" Hikaru scoffed out loud, with his fist clenching slightly. He didn't want to have another disappointment in his life, and it was clear that Kaoru didn't either.

Dwelling upon their past, after the incident with the maid taking advantage of who they were and claiming that nobody could tell them apart, with the little girl that pleaded shyly to them about building a snowman as they held hands on the wooden bench in the fluttering snow; it wasn't a surprise that those two decided to build a gigantic wall around themselves, and nobody would dare cross the line to negotiate with the auburn-haired twins.

The two were inseparable. Hand holding and relying on each other as they shared stories that caused their eyes to water from utter joy or bitter sadness, maybe a sprinkle of anger; they never wanted to have other people step a foot into their own world, and they figured that it was best to be only speak to one another.

Then again, they were a mess of thoughts and they couldn't even unfold their own reasoning for the behavior they have grown upon. With the mischievous act towards girls that have taken a liking to them or the classmates that tried to breathe a word close to their presence, they wanted to be told apart, yet they refuse to have someone make eye contact with their own hazel irises.

"I'm the new kid," the student responded back to Hikaru as he rested his back against the light peach coated wall. "Well, somewhat new. I transferred a week ago. And I couldn't help but overhear one of my classmates scream out from your classroom."

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