21 ✿ Dolphin

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Dedicated to kittykitkat1001 for being amazing and supporting this story! Thank you for commenting and voting on this, I really appreciate it!

When you see " ~ ",  play the music up above; this symbol is going to be used for chapters with music from now on! (✿◠‿◠)


Rosaline Blossom

"Rollercoasters are a waste of time," Spencer quipped, keeping an ignorant stare towards the members of the Host Club in front of him as he wrapped an arm around his sister. "Rosie and I think they're lame, sure they're cool, but waiting in line for two hours isn't."

"Awwww," the twins moped in unison and they stuck out their bottom lips, keeping their quivering eyes focused on Rose's brother. "But we have passes to skip lines so we can go on the rides right away!"

"Passes to skip lines?"

"Yeah," Haruhi explained, fiddling with the ends of her short chestnut colored hair. "I said the park had these things called Fast Passes and it's supposed to allow people to skip lines. I didn't want the guys to buy them but Tamaki insisted."

Spencer elevated both of his eyebrows, holding onto his sister tightly. "I think rollercoasters are lame in general, even Rose isn't a fan."

Hikaru rolled his eyes, "well, it seems like—"

Kaoru stretched out his arms, "—Spencer is no fun at all."

"I'm plenty of fun, thank you very fucking much," Spencer muttered, stomping down his foot and ran a hand through his messy brown hair while huffing a breath. "I just have a physics project to be doing right now, it deals with acceleration and stuff, and I haven't even started it yet."

"Speaking of physics," a childish voice was heard and the two siblings glanced down to see Honey cling onto Rose's leg, grinning widely at her older brother. "Rosie-chan actually went to the same amusement park the other day for her physics field trip, isn't that right Rosie-chan?"

"Yeah," Rose said, not bothering to ask how Honey knew that, but her question was answered once she glanced up at Kyoya and he gave her this look while he skimmed through his phone. Rose glanced down at the blond boy hugging her leg. "I didn't really do much. I'm not—let's say I'm not a fan on big rides, okay?"

"Neither am I, especially rollercoasters," Spencer placed his palms on his hips, shaking his head frantically. "I think they're stupid and a waste of time. Who wants to wait in line for about three hours to go on a ride that lasts not even a minute?"

"That's why we have passes to skip lines, genius," the Hitachiin twins perked up, giving an unamused look as they exchanged expressions.

"I don't want to ride any rollercoasters."

Tamaki waltzed in dramatically and wrapped an arm around Spencer, causing Rose to giggle at the sight as Tamaki pulled her brother in close. "Ah, my good man, you haven't witnessed the true joy and excitement of a commoner's ride, have you?" he asked, winking at him.

Spencer snorted. "I just think they're lame."

"Let us change your mind, then!"

"Yay!" the twins cheered, having Honey join in on them as he threw his stuffed pink bunny up in the air with excitement fulfilling his lungs. The four—including Tamaki—ran to the open gates of the amusement park, having Mori, Kyoya, and Haruhi follow them by simply walking, obviously not showing much amusement in an amusement park.

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