23 ✿ Perfection

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Thank you to everyone for the sweet comments on supporting me and also for caring about me. This chapter is dedicated to preggnant for being so beautiful and strong!


Rosaline Blossom

She threw the can at the canvas, and then a splatter of vivid purple decorated the white, some of it made its mark on her creamy bedroom walls.

Rose growled angrily, not bothering that her hair was dipped with light pink coats of watercolor paint, and out of frustration, she kicked a pile of wrinkled newspapers that were laying next to the wooden stool she sat on not too long ago.

It had been two tries already; she had an idea on what she wanted to paint, and to her, it was an exquisite work of art. But she couldn't properly let the image flow from her mind onto a rough canvas, and she was on the edge of losing herself—so badly, Rose wanted to end it all and call it quits, for she saw her 'talent' was nothing but a speck of dust not noticeable to the human eye.

Everything went well until she had to mess up at one point of her watercolor sketch, and now the pastel pink was darker than she wanted it to be, so it was a clear note that this second try at the painting was meant to be thrown in the trash.

So, Rose wasn't sure if she truly wanted to continue doing this project, even if it was due in the next week, there was no way she'd be able to manage to produce a powerful painting with her own genuine style of beauty in that amount of time, especially when she had always been in the state of palinoia.

"I fucking hate this," she swore underneath her breath, staining the bedsheets with multicolored paint but she didn't focus on her blankets; her project was more important.

The bedroom door swung open, and then popped in a familiar face; dark locks resting on his closed eyelids that depicted a weary aura, and he managed to slip up a smile on his swollen lips. It was clear that Spencer recently woke up from a nap, and Rose had to mentally pray that she didn't wake him up from his slumber.

"So, I was minding my own business, and I heard a lot of screaming from your bedroom," Spencer started, and shit, so Rose's frustration really did made him rise up from his sleep. "And I decided to check up on you. Really, Rose, you tell me I need to rest all the time, but then you're here growling like you're a fucking werewolf. I think you'll wake up the other neighbor's with the racket you're ma—"

"Just get out!" Rose shouted angrily, letting the anxiety take over the words pouring out of her mouth. She reached for the nearest damp paintbrush and flung it at her brother, who managed to dodge the incoming object by ducking his head down with a gasp escaping his lips. "I don't want to talk to you or anyone! Just leave me alone!"

"Rosie, calm down," Spencer responded, raising his voice calmly as he watched Rose slide down to her knees and hug them to her trembling chest. "What's wrong? You're rarely this overwhelmed; if it's about Hikaru, I'll beat his ass for you."

"Don't joke around," she exclaimed, pursing her lips. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I'm fine and—"

"That's bullshit and you know it."

"Okay, I'm not fine. I'm just stressed."

"Clearly," he chuckled, earning a dark glare from his sister as he walked to where she was pouting, and he sat down with her. He stretched out his left leg on the floor with his right leg arched, where he laid his arm on his knee cap. "I thought you knew what you were going to do for your project, what happened?"

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