16 ✿ Sakura Kiss

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I do my best to make this story beautifully written. So thank you thepastelkids for supporting me and finding my story magnificently written. It means a lot to me.

If you see " ~ " that's when you should play the music up above. I tried to put the song within the story but it wouldn't load that way.


Rosaline Blossom

With sprinkles of droplets set from the effects taking up from a high surface, Tamaki stood in the middle of a forest—and Rose had no idea that there was a small forest near the academy—as the 'rain' settled upon his luscious blond hair, soaking the deep strands as a breathy chuckle escaped his lips, feeling himself overwhelm with a fake tone of amusement after staring down at the two Hitachiin brothers who were grasping onto each other tightly.

Rose wasn't sure how the movie went from an intense basketball scene to a rainy and moody atmosphere of a 'lonely prince' but she decided not to question Renge.

While Tamaki played his role, Rose sat on one of the unfolded movie set chairs with an apple in her hands. Chewing on the fruit absentmindedly, a clean towel was around her neck along with a pile of them resting upon her lap.

Quickly, the cameras turned to face Haruhi, who was running in the 'rain'—and Rose wanted to snort at how Renge is trying to make the atmosphere more dramatic with the rain, but honestly, she thought the movie didn't even make sense at all—away from Honey, who had a darkening expression itching his face. This made Rose a bit surprised, not one moment did she ever expect to see an adorable, charming boy act as a man who was engulfed by barbarity.

And well, it didn't even last five minutes for Honey to stay in his role, because right after sending off a harsh comment, his tears began to flood his bottom eyelids and within one hop, he was in Haruhi's arms, pleading out apologies.

Meanwhile, Renge shouted "cut!" repeatedly while wailing her arms around angrily, and Rose could've sworn her brown hair turned into snakes, somewhat like Medusa.

"Wow..." Rose muttered, keeping a blank face as she bit into her apple once more. "Honey didn't even last two minutes in his role," she spoke to herself, eyes scanning around the movie set.

Rose didn't understand the point of this movie, really.

After gazing upon multiple camera men toy with their lenses and play with microphones, the Hitachiins jogged up to the off-white haired girl and then reached out their arms to grab the remaining clean towels on her lap.

Hikaru took one quickly and rubbed his head furiously, almost as if he was trying to fight back a sneeze as he continued to wipe his hair dry. Seeing Hikaru dry off his hair made Rose's heart beam a little, almost as if she was forgetting to keep in touch with her breathing, and after turning to her right to smile at Kaoru, she heard Hikaru whisper a soft "thanks Rosaline" which made her breath nearly hitch.

"So, how do you think we did, Blossom?" Kaoru asked, still keeping his eyes down on the ground while he wiped his soaked hair.

Rose nodded politely. "I think you guys did fine on your part in the rain with Tamaki. It wasn't bad at all," then she laughed, making Kaoru blush slightly, "though I'm not an actress, so I wouldn't really know what's a good acting role or not."

"I think the boss is taking his role a bit too far," Hikaru spoke, honesty smoothing his tone. "He's doing an alright job at it but I think he can be a bit dramatic in it."

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