10 ✿ Showers

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Dedicated to LittlePebbles for being so sweet and supporting this story with all her love! Thanks for being super amazing and lovely.


Hikaru Hitachiin

"You look like shit."

"I know."

"You're also a piece of shit."

"Come on, man..." Hikaru huffed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, trying to fight off a lip bite but he failed as Rose sighed, rubbing her shoulders that were damp due to the rain. "It's cold, let us in."

Rose's brother quirked a brow and then snorted humorously, opening the door wider for them to walk in. "Obviously I'm letting my sister in... but I don't know about you," Spencer pointed at Hikaru who raised his palms up in defense and groaned, "fine, both of you can come in. I don't know why Hikaru can't let himself hail an expensive fucking limo and get his ass home, but whatever."

Hikaru didn't say anything to that, and instead, he slipped off his leather boots and calmly placed them near on top of a clean towel that Spencer laid out for them so they can put their muddy shoes on it. Rose did the same with her boots, and then ran to the the bathroom, not bothering to make any contact with the boys and within the next few seconds, the sound of the water running echoed throughout the apartment.

Spencer handed Hikaru another fresh towel and Hikaru snatched it out of his hand, instantly going straight to drying his hair as he moved the cloth around his damp strands. "Both of you had been out there for quite some time, care to give me answers on why my sister seems a bit overwhelmed as you are too?" he demanded, harsh determination itching the skin on his face.

Hikaru looked up at Spencer, towel resting on his wet hair and he tightened his lips before speaking, "Rosaline got mad and she ran off. I told you about what she said, already."

"I got that," Spencer said. "But you two are covered in mud and your noses are red and plus you both look like you crawled out of a sewer so explain why the hell you two look disgusting."

"Well," Hikaru sighed, trailing his eyes down to the wooden floor. "I found Rosaline under a bridge, and she looked really cold so I gave her my blazer and... yeah. We talked it out though, it's not really a big deal anymore."

"What did you two say?"

"We just apologized, nothing really special."

"Did you do anything to her?"

Hikaru huffed, "what do you mean?"

Spencer smirked, feeling a bit proud of his sister for actually growing a pair—somewhat. "Well, I mean, I'm sure she was cold. You gave her your blazer, right? Maybe you cuddled with her or something."

Hikaru gasped audibly, "it's nothing like that! I was only keeping her warm, don't be such a freaking moron Spencer. I was only—I was just trying to make things right."

"Right, okay," Spencer sighed, looking away. "I'll make you guys some soup, d'you want tea?"

"Water's fine."

"Cool," and with one heel turn, Spencer's back faced Hikaru. But with a humorous laugh escaping his lips, he swung around once more, grinning ear-to-ear, "just don't fool around here too much, alright? I don't want to walk in on anything."

Hikaru shook his head, "get that crazy thought of your head."

"By the way, since you look like shit, keep a far distance from me. I'm too pretty to end up catching whatever diseases you guys must've caught while camping under a bridge and seriously Hikaru, maybe try to take Rosie's rant and get your head out of Haruhi's ass and start focusing on people that actually care about you in your life, yeah?"

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