22 ✿ Sunset

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Dedicated to MessyCurls because her "Hidden Princess" fanfiction is superb and amazing, I love it so much. It's beautifully written and she has been such a great support to the story!

 It's beautifully written and she has been such a great support to the story!

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Rosaline Blossom

"Yo, all I'm saying is that, you two bastards made me go on two rollercoasters—especially you Hikaru, I'm looking at you, boy—and to owe me, I want you both to go get me a snow cone, and make it a blue raspberry one. Those are the shit."

Rose blinked at her brother, faint chilly breath escaping her strawberry chapped lips. Spencer moped, trying to adjust his position on the bench while resting his elbows on the wooden table, eyes drenched with a weary fear.

"We're not your slaves," the Hitachiins complained, crossing their arms in synchronization, fighting back an impolite chuckle.

"Well, now you two are," Spencer groused, snapping his fingers while placing the side of his head on the cool surface of the table. "Get me a snow cone; I'm sure you rich bastards can pull a couple of yen out of your asses and buy me something."

"Will you pay us back?" Karou joked, letting his eyes roll childishly.

"I ain't paying you back shit, okay? You both are already rich enough!"

Closing her eyes as she chuckled lightly, Rose watched the Hitachiins jog off from the table to scatter themselves around the food court area; the entire atmosphere had an aroma of baked potatoes and hamburgers enlightening the air, plus some freshly made noodles managed to fill the area with its scent as well.

So, Rose licked her lips and turned to her brother, who was giving off a sense of misery in his dull eyes while resting his chin on the table, arms folded in front of him as he refused to sneak a glance at his sister.

"Spencer," Rose laughed, parts of her hair flowing against the breeze as she placed a gentle palm on his shoulder, where he almost flinched. "I don't think they have any snow cones here."

"I know they don't, I already looked around the area," he drawled, fighting back an eye roll and then he moved in his position, where a couple of his change was able to be heard in the front pockets of his pants. "I just wanted those two bastards to leave me alone."

"Maybe you don't feel good, we can go to the bathroom or something," Rose fiddled inside her coat pockets, trying to reach for the cheap leather wallet that she had bought from a local pharmacy store that wasn't too far from where her home had laid. "I can buy a bottle of water for you, I thi—"

"Rosie, you're worrying too much," he grinned cheekily, sketching his face in a odd stare. "I just don't want to go on any rollercoasters, no more, and if I get dragged on again, you have to tell Bastard Number One and Bastard Number Two to stop or else I really will plan their funeral."

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