18 ✿ Laughter

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Dedicated to all of you for supporting this story, I can't thank you guys enough. I love you all so much. Also, this is a pretty funny and adorable chapter that's like 45+ pages so, please leave feedback and enjoy!!


Rosaline Blossom

Rose wasn't one to make friends easily. She was the kid who sat in the back corner of her classes, earbuds in her ears and whenever someone breathtakingly attractive decided to walk past her presence, she would have to do her best to not topple down in her own seat.

So, when her school announced that the foreign exchange program was a success, about ten students from America visited her academy, and knowing Rose, she didn't really want to negotiate with new arrivals since she wasn't fond on making friends due to her lack of diffidence.

That was, until then, one of the girls with her hair slipped back into a high ponytail planted her palm on the textbooks Rose was clutching onto and made her supplies drop onto the floor. A sickening cackle escaped her glossed lips as she brushed past Rose's petite shoulders.

Rose wasn't bullied at school; she had to deal with those that were too busy swimming in their little worlds and anyone that wasn't up to their standards, they were automatically one to be downgraded.

After shoving her light textbooks into her school cloth bag, she huffed out an angry breath and wrapped the strap around one of her shoulders, walking towards the soda machine that was not too far apart from where she was positioned.

And so, the silly kid had to perk up out of nowhere.

"Hi," one of the foreign kids spoke up to her as she placed a bill into the soda machine, and Rose blinked at him with no response. He pointed at his sun-kissed tan self with one of his thumbs, "I'm one of the foreign exchange students, it's nice to meet ya."

Rose smiled at him softly. Even though she wasn't very talented on interacting with strangers, she wasn't one to come off with a harsh tone. "It's nice to meet you too," she responded.

"What's your name?" he asked, quite the chirpy one with his tone in an energetic volume.

"Rosaline; you can call me Rosie, Rosa, or Blossom. But I prefer to have you call me Rose since everyone calls me that."

The boy quirked a brow, fighting back a chuckle. "It's nice to meet you, Rose. You can call me Chimp."

"I'm sorry, but what?"

"Oh, I know, weird as fuck nickname," he scoffed playfully and rubbed his neck, making Rose slightly uncomfortable as he shifted his position by turning his back in an odd arch. "But back home, everyone knew me as the kid with the great ass, and in my opinion, I think monkeys have amazing asses, don't you think?"

Rose didn't respond, and instead she punched in a random number on the keypad attached to the soda machine, not bothering to glance at the uncanny student close to her presence.

"Well, I think so, and my real name is Aaron, if you're wondering," he said, still keeping a grin upon his lips. "It was either Amazing Ass Aaron or Chimp; as you already know, you can tell which nickname I went with."

"That's interesting," Rose stuttered out a laugh. "It's nice to meet you."

"You already said that, Rose. But it's cool, it's nice to meet you too, and I already said that but whatever. Anyways, hey, I didn't know you guys had really cute teachers here, especially that one academic physics teacher and holy fucking shit, I think I almost popped a boner."

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