03 ✿ Reunion

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Dedicated to daebaksoo for being my first ever reader on this story, thank you for being so sweet and never stop writing! You're so talented just the way you are.


Rosaline Blossom

"Don't you love it?" Spencer noted, raising his hands up in the air while inhaling a deep breath. "That beautiful scent of cherry blossoms. Rosie, this is so much better than smelling Jack Daniels in Mr. Martinez's English class back in America."

"Yeah, definitely," Rose snorted, rolling her beaming eyes that represented the blue sky within her irises. She hugged her arms to her chest, avoiding eye contact with her brother. "So, why did you bring me to your school today?"

"I'm not like, letting you join my classes, Rosie," he informed her, scratching his neck as he exposed part of his lower chest since the white top he wore underneath the school blazer was a size smaller than his original size. Spencer cleared, "I'm gonna let you see your lover."

"I did not—dammit, I told you not to call him that, it sounds weird."

"To me, it sounds cute," he snickered playfully, "you two were like meant to be together."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not happening, it won't ever."

"Remember when Mom would always talk about miracles and destinies?" Spencer asked, raising his dark brows as he crossed his arms. "You never know... maybe you'll have your miracle come soon and it can be you and Hikaru getting hitched together and go on a beautiful honeymoon in Paris—or wherever the hell you wanna go."

"Stop," Rose laughed joyfully, wanting to grab onto her brother's shoulders as he backed away from her but she managed to whack him on the back of his neck. "You deserve that."

Spencer winced in a faking manner and sighed. "Let's just go inside, you haven't seen the rest of the guys in a while and Haruhi too, it would be nice to say hey."

Rose nodded, smiling at the thought of seeing Haruhi; though, the girl was the one that Hikaru had fallen for, Rose didn't have a grudge against Haruhi. She was simply a beautiful girl with powerful charms and wonderful smiles, it was difficult for Rose to not like her—she looked up to the brunette in a way, but she tended to hold her jealousy whenever Hikaru would come into the scenes where he tackled Haruhi to the ground or hug her from behind.

But Rose knew that Hikaru deserved more happiness than she did herself, so she didn't mind that the flowers in her heart will lose its petals and start to wilt, as long Hikaru's garden was blooming, that's all Rose could ever want.

"Spencer?" Rose spoke up, reaching out to her older brother as he took a few steps onto the small concrete staircase to enter the building.

He turned around, brows raised and confusion filling his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked, worriedly.

"If Hikaru and Haruhi end up close to each other or something, I'm gonna feel uneasy," Rose noted, trying not to let her breathing pace get out of control. "I don't want to see them together with Hikaru flirting and such, it's going to hurt... a lot."

The older brother looked at his younger sister and ruffled her wavy white hair and sent her an enchanting smile with a dimple exposed below his left cheek. "Don't worry, little sis," he comforted her, placing a palm on her tense shoulder. "I'll always cheer you and Hikaru on, now you better go in there and show that boy what he's missing out on!"

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