30 ✿ Date

651 30 43

Dedicated to all of you, for being here after so long and understanding how difficult like can be. So here is my gift to you

Kaoru Hitachiin

He wasn't completely sure what was overpowering him to do this. Maybe he had only been thinking too much into this, maybe he didn't sleep as much, maybe the anxiety of his feelings for Rose was pushing over the edge—but he claims he is not in love with her, however—or something. However, he didn't need to think about that right now, and his brother was already gawking at him in confusion.

"Why are you so paranoid, Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, raising his eyebrows. The older twin almost shoved his toothbrush in his mouth, but he seemed to wait for Kaoru to speak out his mind. "You've been acting really weird lately."

"I'm sorry," Kaoru apologized, shaking his hands nonchalantly. "Just go brush your teeth. I only need to ask you to do me a favor."

"Why don't you ask me now?"

"Because, um," Kaoru coughed into his fist awkwardly, only creating the tension to be moderately strange. "I need to make sure if I really should be asking you to do this."

Hikaru frowned and Kaoru could only grin weirdly. His brother didn't bother saying anything; all he could do was shrug and take a turn to the bathroom they both shared. It wasn't long until Kaoru had huffed out an exhale and fallen back on the large mattress.

He was blinded by silky bed sheets and he placed a palm over his eyes. Of course, Kaoru remembered that he wanted to go on a date with Rose; it had to be fine, despite him canceling it for a particular week but then he decided to only move it.

And Rose had a reason to be busy, with the art contest, the girl was bound to be a low battery that can only be charged by stress and anxiety.

However, Kaoru knew that there had to be a time where he needed to make that date up, and he figured that it was best for him to get it over and done with—but not for the sake of himself, for Hikaru's sake, really.

Ever since that one festival—which was held at Rose's academy—he had felt uncanny; he had gotten more discreet and uncomfortable at the thought of Rose and Hikaru together. Which was bad; this was not what Kaoru wanted. He didn't need jealousy to rise underneath his skin and create this spine-chilling feeling.

He wanted the two people he cared the most about to be together, even though it will create a blanket of sorrow for him in the end.

"Hey," Kaoru felt a towel fall on his hip and he slowly pushed himself up to face his brother, who was hanging a damp towel around his neck. "Before I go and shower, I wanna know what's on your mind. You've been acting strange lately," Hikaru noted.

Kaoru closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was at a loss, almost as if he was forever abandoned in a maze that he could never find his treacherous way out. "Hikaru, I just—" he stopped himself for a moment and then covered his mouth tenderly. "I need you to do me a very important favor."

"Depends on what kind of favor it is," Hikaru said.

"It has to do with Blossom."

"Rosaline?" his eyes perked up; of course, Hikaru had suddenly grown interested. Kaoru started to envy him at this point and he clenched his fists underneath the sheets, hoping to not create a scene. "Is she okay? What happened to her? Did som—"

"You worry for her a lot, I see," Kaoru forged a chuckle from his gritted teeth. "How cute, Hikaru."

"I mean. I care, of course. She's my friend," he retorted, not taking a split second to glance away, making the blush noticeable on his cheeks. "She's yours too, you know? It's like—I don't know, Rosaline is just—okay, what's the favor?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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