25 ✿ Bewilderment

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Dedicated to Lockyheart because her Mori story "Dog Tag" is amazing and she's also such a fantastic person, she's just a huge sweetheart who I love so much! (^ ^)


Rosaline Blossom

There would be certain points in life where Rose was insecure about her personality. It wasn't much on how her body was portrayed, but there was one exceptional time where she had been strict on how her stomach was a bit chubbier back then in middle school, and plus, the stretch marks above her lower thighs, she saw them to be a disturbing sight.

It was cheerleading tryouts for the park district that wasn't too far from where she had attended school; Rose never really knew how it was to be a cheerleader, she was quite flexible despite her lack of self confidence. Nonetheless, she was desperate to try something new, maybe a new hobby to get her occupied more in life.

Really though, she didn't want to keep her limbs sprawled out on her bed with a half-eaten tub of chocolate ice cream on her lap all the time.

After an intense routine, Spencer clapped for her younger sister, and with Rose's dark coffee colored hair swaying—it was that time when she didn't decide to go into a white shade—in a high ponytail, he embraced her with a proud hug.

Of course, not all good outcomes can preferably stay in its positive state, and that was when the first week of cheerleading practice came on for Rose; it had to be the physical test, where no exceptions were allowed.

Rose needed to get her weight checked. Apparently, the middle-aged woman with a thick coat of tan foundation—who was Rose's coach at the time—claimed that all cheerleaders had to get their bodies checked, and they were supposed to be put on a specific weight for the team. Otherwise, they weren't allowed to keep themselves on the team.

(And the words "you're seven pounds over" from the coach caught her attention. But what hurt most was that one of the members on the team that was slightly taller than Rose had asked her if she had tried to stop eating in order to lose weight.)

So, Rose had to be kicked off the team, and after endless sobs in her brother's chest and using his shirt to wipe her pouring tears, Spencer placed his finger on her sister's tense chin.

"Rosie, you're going to always be someone beautiful, no matter what weight you are; there's only one you and that's pretty damn awesome to me," he said, and then Rose continued to wail in his arms once more.

Even though Rose had never been really insecure about her body figure, there would be small moments every now and then where exposing those stretch marks and bloated tummy would get her a bit uneasy.

* * * * *

"Rose, I think I'm going to vomit, and it's probably because I ate something Chimp made."

Shaking her head, Rose rubbed her knuckles against the cool surface of the glass table on her right. "Asher," she breathed out loud, keeping her ear resting on the screen of her phone. "I gotta go; you can complain about Chimp's cooking some other time."

"Fine, but don't be surprised if I end up in the hospital in a few hours." Asher scoffed on the other line, and before he decided to hang up, he quickly responded, "I have to go too. I need to start studying for mathematics, and I swear Rose, I can't believe this is happening. I mean, it's math, I suck at it."

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