11 ✿ Baking

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Dedicated to anyone that wanted some interaction with Honey-Senpai and Rose. This was such a lovely chapter to write. I enjoyed it, so I hope you guys too.

Rosaline Blossom

"Careful, Rosie-chan!"

Honey almost tackled Rose as she was attempting to crack the remaining eggs that were left from the carton for the cake batter she was trying to mix up; unfortunately, the older—yet childish—boy grabbed onto her arms and allowed her to fall back on the kitchen marble floor, letting the eggs flow off of her hands and land on both of their faces (which resulted into Honey spitting out most of the yolk that flew into his mouth.)

Rose scoffed out the remaining yolk and tried to wipe off the sticky substance from her eyes with Honey's arms around her waist, clinging onto her as if she was some lost puppy that deserved to be protected. "Dammit Honey, I had it under control," Rose sighed.

"Sorry, Rosie-chan," Honey chuckled, not minding that they had made a complete mess in the Hitachiin kitchen.

(It took about seven messages and two voicemails to get Rose's attention since she was busy engaging herself with a brand new painting; most of them were from Kaoru—which isn't really a big surprise—and he was pleading to have Rose help bake some cakes with him for Kyoya.

Even though Rose asked why he shouldn't let one of his professional bakers take the lead and whip out a much more professional looking cake than Rose's, he responded 'I wanna bake a cake with one of my favorite commoners! Plus, I think Kyoya-senpai would like that!' and the cheeky bastard even added two smiling emojis.

However, it was Honey that was in the kitchen, and when Rose asked where Kaoru was, Honey responded with flour itching his nose, "Kao-chan said he needed to help Hika-chan set up the decorations with his mother!")

"You're fine, it's just—" Rose groaned, trying to get the boy to remove his grip from her. "I need to wipe off all this egg on my face so I can see properly."

"Oh, okay!"

Honey released his arms around the petite girl and she helped herself up, heaving a tough breath and with a glance on the kitchen counter, Honey hopped up to reach for a dish washing towel, and he handed it to Rose. The girl scrunched up her nose and shrugged, taking the cloth and wiped the excess yolk that rested on her face.

Rose mumbled, "why did you even tackle me like that?"

With his pinky finger poking his cheek, Honey responded, "you were getting the bowl a bit too close to the edge of the counter, Rosie-chan. I didn't want you to spill the cake batter!"

"You could've just told me instead of tackling me like that," she sighed, placing the towel on the kitchen counter. "Besides, now we don't have any more eggs. Well actually, I don't think we need anymore. It looks good right?"

"I think your baking is super good, Rosie-chan!"

"You haven't even tasted it before."

"That's okaaaaay!" he squealed, throwing his hands up in the air. "I think it'll be amazing!"

"Let's just get this cake baking over with," Rose sighed.

Honey looked up at Rose with a demented look, itching his mind with thoughts on why Rose was feeling a bit out of it. And the white-haired girl looked down at him, raising her brows as she picked up a wooden spoon and stuffed it into the tough mixture of cake batter. "Why are you looking at me like that, Honey?" she asked.

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