12 ✿ Party

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Thank you for the support you have been giving me in this story. Keep in mind that all of you are loved, worth it, and strong; you can get through anything, I promise. Hang in there, your existence has a meaning in this world.


Rosaline Blossom

The orchestra music blared out from the house, making it entirely audible throughout the entire plot of land specifically owned by the Hitachiin family. In the walkway that depicted verdant gardens, a couple family members that were related to some of the Hosts swayed together like they were pests and combined in gigantic groups among the chuckling echoing the air as they watch the champagne glistening in the stars.

Before the Ootori family could step out of their luxurious limousines and convertibles, a whole boat of violins startled playing a brand new piece miraculously in the corner as cellos and violas blared out a boisterous vibrant in the main hall. Greedy colors that depicted aureate and gold made its appearance around the guests as they fiddled with each other, avoiding people they didn't recognize or knew with glasses of bubbly wine in their hands.

To Rose, this was way more than some 'surprise party', really. It seemed as if it was a gigantic family get-together with the Host Club families. Even her brother had given a troubled look, scrunching up his lips in a fine line and then said, "so this is supposed to be a birthday party for Kyoya?"

"It doesn't even look like it," Rose muttered next to her brother's ear, white jewelry glistening as it rested around her neck and wrists. "Besides, have you seen what everyone is wearing? We look like complete trash compared to everybody else."

"Then we're pretty good-looking garbage, then," Spencer spoke, glancing up at the Hitachiin house; where the lights were the brightening aura in the dark night.

"It's so crowded too."

"It isn't bad. You just got a bunch of rich fuckers who wipe their ass with their own bank salary."

"Do we just, I don't know, go in?"

"Might as well," Spencer coughed into his fist, fixing his blazer once more before taking the lead as Rose follows him from behind.

The orchestra music began to pump out a heavy song that Rose couldn't recognize (though, she was never really familiar with orchestral music in general) as she tried to keep her faint blue eyes on the navy blazer that her brother was wearing.

"This is so not a birthday party," Rose groaned to herself, brushing past a couple of wealthy strangers that were engulfed with the scent of champagne itching their noses and laughter roaming the air.

The grand doors were already open for any 'late' arrivals, and when Spencer took his step inside, Rose did the same. Even though she had been in the Hitachiin residence before (however, it had been a while since she came here), she wasn't used to the aroma of the home that the twins she knew had lived in. With women buoyed up in luxurious couches as chandeliers glistened from high above the ceiling, the entire main hall depicted a tedious tan hue; plus guests—who Rose assumed were apart of the families within the Host Club—were ballooning themselves with joy and some confetti was even noticeable as the rainbow sparks flew up in the air.

Rose looked around, eyes scanning the main hall and she huffed, crossing her arms. Spencer had abandoned her, or maybe he had gotten lost within the blimp crowds of people she had never glanced once in her entire life, who knows? Regardless, she was stuck around people decked out in gaudy vestments.

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