19 ✿ Surprise

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Dedicated to tskshma because "Letters To Haninozuka" is gold and I'm in love with it already, plus she's also a good writer and she has been supporting "Blossoms" for a while so thank you love! I appreciate all the sweet compliments and comments.

And by the way, my cherry blossoms, please know I'm not the best writer; forgive me if this chapter is sloppy, but I enjoyed writing it at least. Enjoy this intensely fluffed filled chapter with lots of humor and Rose blushing


Tamaki Suoh

He paced back and forth, biting on his fingernails in agony while Kyoya was taking note of Rose's apartment complex in front of him. Angrily, the blond huffed out a scoff and planted his arms on the tall boy's shoulders, causing Kyoya to stare at him with a perplexed look.

"Kyoya, why?!" Tamaki exhaled harshly as he arched his fingers in irritation. "I thought it was supposed to be you and me, not the rest of these idiots!" the princely boy pointed at the rest of the Host Club who were busy negotiating with one another, huddling in a circle and Tamaki scowled back at Kyoya. "Especially those two dopplegängers!"

Without a doubt, he was referring to the Hitachiin twins there.

Looking pleased, Kyoya offered his friend a smirk as he brushed Tamaki's palms off his shoulders and wiped off the lint on his black vest. "I know that it was planned for us to be at Rose's together," he explained, "but considering how you are around Rose, I'd rather not have you embarrass yourself more than you always do around her."

"I do not embarrass myself!" Tamaki argued. "And I'm simply looking out for Rosa, I am her father, aren't I?"

"God, you are helpless," Kyoya sighed, shaking his head. "Forget what I said. You are simply a fool, which is why I had to tag along, and I decided it would be more fun if the others came as well."

"Kyoya, why, how could you do this? Especially those two," Tamaki turned around and shot his pointer finger right at the two twins, who were resting their backs against a white wooden fence that was dug into one of the front yards within the small neighborhood. "How could you bring those idiots here?!"

"It wouldn't be right if we don't invite Hikaru and Kaoru over, won't it?" Kyoya kept that delicate smirk before brushing it off. "I haven't gotten word of Rose, so I'm not too sure if she's actually home or not. She hasn't been picking up her cell phone."

"What about her brother?"

"No answer, either."

"What if—what if my little girl is in trouble?!" Tamaki screamed loudly, allowing his pitched voice to echo throughout the neighborhood and a petite, brunette girl had to come up to him and shrug him endlessly.

"Tamaki-Senpai, why are you screaming? You're being embarrassing!" Haruhi scoffed, continuing to shake Tamaki out of his senses since he was busy building up a fountain of worries within his mind.

Anything could've happened to Rose; maybe she was kidnapped for ransom or in a top secret spy mission without Tamaki's permission. Either way, his blood boiled with worry and then Tamaki felt his fingers start to tremble while he coughed up a startled cry.

Haruhi fell back from Tamaki, allowing the ends of her ruffled pink dress to flow through the heavy breeze, and she was caught in the arms by Kaoru, who soon asked the girl if she was alright.

Tamaki looked up, feeling his bottom lip quivering endlessly and then he cried, "Rosa isn't answering Mama's phone, same with Spencer! Something must've happened to them, maybe my little girl is in danger! Quick, we have to call the police!"

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