05 ✿ Tea Cups

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Dedicated to chaosinmymind for being so sweet and amazing on supporting me in my new story. And also to you guys. I got word that this ranked #377 in fanfiction (I don't know how) but thank you for all the love and support you have given me for this story.


Rosaline Blossom

She didn't try to start on at least one drawing in her sketchbook since after tripping on an empty can of blue spray paint (Spencer scolded at her for not picking up the "trash" in his room) since Hikaru had sent an important voicemail and multiple texts that consisted 'Rosaline :(' and sad-face emojis after him moping her name in a couple amount of messages.

He stated that he had decided to come over for the night because one) he was bored and two) he had to talk to Spencer about exchanging physics notes for a specific unit in quantum. Rose wasn't really sure if Hikaru actually wanted to see her or not, but she wasn't going to turn down this moment to see him.

With earbuds blasting tunes that made her drift those heavy lit blue irises out the window, Rose didn't pay attention to her brother in the background, who was furiously playing an intense session of Grand Theft Auto, and he was doing pretty awful at it.

("You're an idiot," Rose had said, watching every movement of Spencer's actions while fiddling with the Playstation joystick. "Why are you stopping at the red lights when you're in a three star Wanted level?")

Rose's phone lit up, allowing the ring to interrupt her music and she looked down at the device, with Hikaru's name sprawled on the screen.

From: Hikaru Hitachiin

I'm here :)

"Spence, you have to leave," Rose spoke up, allowing her brother to hear her clearly and he whipped his head around a bit too fast, nearly giving himself whiplash as the TV depicted the red car he was speeding in Grand Theft Auto falling off a gigantic mountain. "Hikaru's here."

"Fine," he moped, pausing his game before putting the gaming system in rest mode and he plugged the controller into its charging unit. "But I want to make sure I get my notes first... Bastard Number One sucks at keeping me concentrated in class."

"So, Kaoru's Bastard Number Two?"

"Yes," one look at the screen that turned black and then he grabbed onto the controller to turn off the TV, and Spencer shot back a cheesy grin. "By the way, if you plan on having a bit of fun with my mischievous twin friend, do it in your room and not in mine—or anywhere around the apartment. I don't want to look up 'I walked in my sister fucking my friend, help?' on Google and have it haunt me forever in my history and in my mind."

Rose scrunched up her nose at him. "We're not having sex. I've fallen for someone that is in love with someone that isn't me."

"Correction: you've fallen for a complete dumbass that is in love with someone that isn't you."

"You're too much," she blushed at that and wanted to whack him playfully—really badly. "But get your notes from Hikaru, and then leave us be."

"What're you guys gonna do anyways? It's going to rain soon, you can't like—walk anywhere or something, so you might as well stay in here unless he can take you somewhere with that fancy fucking limo of his."

"Um, I really don't know, maybe watch a movie or something at home?"

"Are you sure that's all you're going to do with him?"

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