29 ✿ Confess

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Dedicated to snowcrystalprism for being a very sweet and beautiful person.


Rosaline Blossom

She had been waiting for about a few minutes near the gardens, and the sight of the wilted flowers wasn't a very astonishing view to look at. The petals of the red roses were dried up and the colors seem to fade from each petal, almost as if each flower was slowly losing its affection. And it wasn't a nice view to look at, but Rose could only sigh and turn away, keeping her gaze away from the flowers that were slowly languishing in the garden.

"Uh," Asher's voice was audible, and then Rose turned around while he continued to gawk at the girl awkwardly. With a blank face, he adjusted his posture as he held his books by his side. "What the hell are you wearing?"

Rose gave a baffled look and scoffed jokingly, completely pushing the image of the droopy roses out of her mind. "It's my brother's denim jacket. I slept in his room because I stayed up painting, and then I woke up late," she explained.

And, Christ, she looked barbaric. Truthfully, a girl with her white hair threw up in a bun could be an appealing sight, but throw in red gym shorts and a white t-shirt that had the scent of cologne in, and a swirl of a denim jacket that was twice her size; it was completely an odd look.

"Listen, I threw on whatever I could find," she explained, slapping her forehead with her palm. "But it doesn't matter. School is over and it's time for me to head out."

"How did you not get caught with that?" Asher asked out of curiosity, eyeing Rose as he held back his cackles. "I mean, you're not wearing your uniform."

Rose shrugged nonchalantly. "I know, and I just got a warning. I explained that I woke up super late and threw on what I could find."

"Better than being naked, I suppose," Asher puffed out a breath, and soon, he yawned. "I'm ready to go to bed," he spoke loudly while stretching out his arms.

Rose raised an eyebrow. "We have an essay to submit by midnight tonight, though."


"Swear," she responded to Asher quickly, holding up her index finger. "Remember we had a deal about this."

"Right," he quipped before turning his head. "Screw that essay."

"That's better," Rose giggled out loud. "I can't wait to go home and eat. Food is all I need right now."

"You're not gonna sneak into Ouran and see your brother? Or maybe your prince cha—"

"Damn, don't tell me Chimp told you to start Hikaru calling you that!" Rose exclaimed, groaning audibly. She rolled her eyes and then shook her head. "That boy, I swear. But wait, where is he? He isn't walking with us after school as usual."

"He left early," Asher explained, putting his palms in the pockets of his dark pants. "He was with me during math, but then his stomach was hurting and he had this strong headache, so he left after visiting the nurse."

"That sucks," Rose sighed. "I hope he feels better soon."

"He's a fighter, Rose, this is nothing to him. He can get through anything. But I wasn't done talking about you," Asher continued. "You're not visiting Ouran?"

Rose stopped on her feet and held back a laugh. She held out her hands and looked down at her attire; certainly, with the way she looked, she definitely wasn't going to look elegant for the academy in general. "Please, I look like a mess," she explained with a deep breath. "I can't go to Hikaru looking like this."

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