Chapter 10: Having Fun With My Enemy

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Violet's POV



The lunch was horrible to say the least. I went to the cafeteria alone because Kate and Michael had different classes and I were to meet them in cafeteria. I looked around for an empty table and I found one in the back. I started towards it. Brad was glaring at me from the popular table where he was sitting with the football jocks. I spotted Issac sitting there but he didn't even look at me. I shook my head and kept on walking. Suddenly, before I could understand what was going on, I felt the splash of water on the side of my face and I was then pushed to the floor. I was caught off guard because of the water thrown at me, so I fell flat on my ass with a thud. I looked up to see Melissa and her minions standing there. I looked down to see my light blue shirt sticking to me like a second skin which caused my black lacy bra to show. I pushed my now damp hair back by running a hand through them. This action of mine caused Melissa to glare at me with hate and something else I couldn't recognize. She took a breath and said in a sickly sweet voice which was obviously fake, "Oh, Violet! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there."

I stood up, hot in spirit but quite cold otherwise. I looked her straight in the eyes and did the unthinkable. I slapped her, right on her makeup laden face. Her head whipped to the side because of the force I had used, and her hand flew to her cheek. She slowly lifted her face to eye me. Her eyes were wide with disbelief, like she couldn't quite believe that I did what I did.

Oh, you are not the only one, Melissa. I also can't believe I did that!

The whole cafeteria was dead silent. If you dropped a pin, the sound would probably be equal to an explosion. Okay, okay, I know I'm exaggerating but it felt like that!

Everyone, and I mean everyone, was looking at me. Some with awe at what I did, some with fear of what might happen to me, some with eagerness to know what would happen now, and finally some others were giving me their dirty perverted looks, obviously undressing me in their perverted little minds. I tried my level best to ignore the perverts, even though I was practically dying of humiliation. The ones looking at me with awe were obviously the victims of bullying and the nerds. The ones holding fear in their eyes were those very few students who know me, including Kate, Michael and Issac. The drama loving people were the jocks and popular kids. Even the lunch ladies were looking at us, no doubt contemplating whether to call the teachers or just let us settle it down. Are they stupid? Everyone knows what happens in situations like this, don't they?

I was looking Melissa square in the eyes, daring her with my eyes to say something. But she didn't say a word, much to my surprise. I watched as her eyes filled with unshed tears, but she held them in. She looked disappointed, defeated even. But that was gone so quickly that I thought I had imagined it. I had to give it to her, she hid her emotions well. She composed herself with a deep breath and spoke through gritted teeth, "You don't know me, Steele. I'll make you regret this. You will regret this forever."

I huffed, "What is it that you have that I don't? Nothing. For you to ruin me or make me regret it forever, you need to have something over me, which you don't. So please, do yourself a favour and stay out my way!"

I turned on my heels and left the dead silent cafeteria, without giving her a chance to reply. I heard Kate shout at me to stop, but I ignored her and rushed to the girls restroom. It was so humiliating that my shirt went see through and my bra showed. I entered the restroom, slamming the door behind me. Kate entered after a minute and came to me. She spoke lowly and uncertainly, not knowing if I was gonna blow up or not, "Are you alright, Violet?"

"Do I freaking look alright, Kate!" I snapped.

Her face fall and it was then that I realized that I sounded like a bitch. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. After I felt that I was calm enough, it was only then that I opened my mouth. I turned to her, "I'm sorry for snapping at you, Kate. It's just that I've never been humiliated like this. Everyone was looking at me like I was some whore and like they were stripping me naked mentally. Argh! I don't know what I would do now."

She closed the distance between us and hugged me tightly, "You know what, Violet, it'll all be okay. I know that it hurts, and that I can not begin to imagine how humiliated and violated you are feeling. But what I know is that it's gonna be okay. You must not let them get to you, because if you do, then it would mean that they have won and you have lost the will power to stand up for yourself. Sometimes all we need to do is to held our head up, rise our chin up and show the world that we are not afraid of the problems. Kill them with success and bury them with smile, they say, and that's what you'll do, will you not?" she paused a few moments, but I stayed silent thinking about her words. She continued, "Be yourself, Violet! And let's not forget the fact that we are who we are when no one's watching. Now give me a smile!"

She smiled at me encouragingly. Her smile was contagious. I too smiled up at her with teary eyes. I said, nodding, "I'll try my best to not let it get to me. Thank you, Kate, for everything, for being here today, for being my friend."

"Awww, you're welcome, Violet. And I'm happy too, you know, to have a girl friend. Michael is a great boyfriend and best friend but I sometimes do need a girl to share my problems with. So thank you!" she told me.

A knock sounded on the door and both Kate and I turned towards the door at the same time. "Oh, that must be Michael, wondering what is taking us so long. I had completely forgotten that he was waiting," she said, walking towards the door.

She swung open the door and talked to Michael in hushed tones for a minute, nodding and frowning. She turned to look at me questioningly and I nodded at her, smiling, reassuring her that I would be fine. She turned again and said to Michael, this time not whispering, "We will meet you at the next class, okay?"

He smiled and kisses her cheek, "Okay, baby!" And then he walked away.

She closed the door again and came back to me, "Thankfully, the word didn't reach the principal. So you're safe, for now at least. So are you ready to go to the next class?"

"Just wait some more, so that my shirt dries a bit more," I said with a sigh.

She nodded, "Okay."

We didn't talk much after that. Both of us deep in our own thoughts. I was thinking about the words Kate had said to me.

About fifteen minutes later when my shirt was almost dry, we both went to the class. The classes passed in a blur. I didn't see Melissa for the rest of the day. Maybe she had gone home. But I didn't care. She wasn't here to bully me, and I was completely fine with that.




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