Chapter 32: When It All Went Wrong

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Violet's POV



"It's okay, my baby. She's in a better place now."

"I know, mom. It just hurts that I never really got a chance with her," a few tears slipped down my face.

She just silently rubbed my back in comfort, until my tears slowed down.

I pulled back from her embrace, sniffing, "Mom? How is dad holding up?"

A frown marred her gorgeous face and she glanced towards the door of the waiting room we were currently in, "Pretty bad, love. I'll go check up on him. Will you be alright?"

Not wanting to deprive dad of the support he needed in such a moment, I nodded, "Yes, mom."

After all, even though she was my aunt and the grief was massive, the person my dad lost today was his sister. I couldn't be selfish in this situation.

She didn't say anything else. She just nodded and rushed out to find my father, to be by his side in his sadness, just as she had been there in his happiness.

Once she was gone, I collapsed on a nearby coach, unable to bear the load life had thrown my way. I mean we all knew that she was getting worse, but no one knew that it would be this soon. But of course, Aunt Kayla knew and hinted on it.

If only her cancer could have been treated!

But we all know that recurrence of any disease can be dangerous, let alone that of cancer.

Yes, Aunt Kayla left us today.

It was so sudden and unexpected when I got a call from mom, letting me know that she's taking her last breaths and that I were to reach the hospital immediately if I wished to at least get to say a goodbye.

Dad was already home from work when he received the phone call from the hospital. He immediately left for the hospital with mom. Once in hospital, mom called me.

Yes, I was very frustrated when my phone rang, interrupting Brad who was just about to tell me what happened to his mother. But once I realized who was calling and why, and that we had already spent two hours talking, my frustration quickly got replaced by fear and sadness.

He didn't even ask any question and just nodded, standing up. He drove me to the hospital in record time, though the hospital wasn't too far away.

Once here, I rushed to her room, momentarily forgetting that Brad was also here with me, but he never left my side in the whole hour we had been here.

Except for now.

He said that he would be back in a few minutes with coffee. I told him I was good, but it's not like he listens to me.

Moreover in the long hour we had been here, I had already told him what was going on with my aunt. Yes, mom came in after he left to get coffee.

Soon I was sitting numbly on the coach with coffee in a disposable cup and Brad's arm around my shoulders. He was urging me to drink it.



"You do know that everything happens for a reason, right? Think of the relief she got from all the pain she was in. She's really in a better place now," he gently ran his hand up and down my arm in comfort and I shivered ever so slightly.

"Umhm," I nodded.

He thrusted an opened granula bar into my hands, "Good. Now be a doll and eat it."

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