Chapter 10

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Little early bbs. :*


"I... What?"

Alex took a small step forward. "When have I ever sounded this sure about something?"

Travis took a step back at the same time, not sure what to say.

Alex just stared right back, his confidence never faltering.

Travis gave in, and kissed the Omega in front of him. It only lasted a second, but Travis couldn't help but marvel in how normal it felt.

He hadn't realized how much he'd missed this boy.

Alex let himself kiss back for a second, but then he pulled himself away with wide eyes. "Oh no..." 

Travis took a step away. "I'm sorry." He was too afraid to wait for Alex to respond, so he turned around and rushed back into the room he'd be staying in. 

Todrick walked in just then, Jake right behind him. Todrick grinned when he saw him. "Hey Allie. Where's--?" 

Kevin walked out of the bathroom then, with a towel around his waist, and pulled Todrick into the bathroom with him. "Need your opinion on an outfit." 

Jake laughed when the door closed, and then walked further into the room to smile at Alex. "Hey babe. Did you finish unpacking?" 

Alex blinked at him once, his eyes looking a bit lost, but he turned to the suitcase. "No, Sir. I.. I didn't finish yet. I'm sorry." 

"Don't be sorry. Want some help?" 

"Yes, Sir." 

Travis sat on the edge of his bed and stared blankly at the wall in front of him. 

Mitch hurried past him on his way to the bathroom, a few more bottles in his hands with lotions and such inside.

Scott was about to follow him, but stopped when he saw Travis sitting completely still. "Hey, is everything okay?" 

"Yeah." He responded shortly. 

"Is your shoulder hurting you?"


Scott frowned, and sat beside him. "I know that you and I don't speak a lot... And we don't really know each other... But you can tell me if something's wrong." 

"I know. I'd just rather not get into it. Thanks though." 

"You're welcome. You know where to find me." 

Mitch walked back out of the bathroom and smiled. "I think I'm finally done." 

Scott chuckled and stood up. "It only took you nine years." 

Mitch frowned, and pushed his chest a little. "Hey. That's rude." 

"Sorry, sorry... How can I ever repay you?" 

"You still owe me ice cream, but... I suppose a kiss will suffice." 

Kevin walked into their room with a smile. "Toddy found a cute café in the lobby, so. If you guys are ready..." 


Avi was woken up again when Kirstie stood up from the bed to check on Grace again. 

He stretched his arms over his head, and tried to stand from the bed. His ankle didn't agree with those specific actions though, so he cringed and sat back down. "God damn it." 

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