Chapter 47

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Travis knew exactly what to do, as he rushed into the kitchen and heaved Scott up onto his feet with a grip on his bicep.

Scott let himself be dragged down the hall, almost like a doll. Travis didn't say a single word to anyone else, as he closed the door to Alex and Jake's old room, where he knew no one was currently staying.

Mitch didn't move at all until Scott had been gone for a few seconds, and then he began to clean the alcohol mess again.

Avi walked in to help him, after being down the hall. "The Betas are researching whatever they think is wrong with him. But I'm telling you, I've seen it before. And Travis knows how to help him, since the first time it happened was when Scott belonged to Travis."

"I believe you. But.. He'll be okay? Back to normal?"

"If it happens like it did the first time, yeah."

Mitch frowned, looking back down at his hands to pick up more glass.

Avi reached over to grab Mitch's forearm, bringing the ring of bruises closer to his face with a frown. "Fuck, Mitchell... I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Avi shook his head slowly, dropping Mitch's arm and turning back to the task at hand. "No it isn't."

Kevin suddenly rushed into the room, a book in hand. "I think I found it! The closest thing I can find... This is the same book I used to find out about 'Valentines Day' by the way. In here, they call things like these 'panic attacks' which are caused by crippling anxiety."

"Have you told Travis?"

"No. I didn't want to interrupt him, Sir."

"Don't worry about that. Travis won't mind. I'm sure he's already calmed Scott back down."

Kevin nodded, rushing off to do just that, book still in hand.

Mitch frowned, standing up from the ground. "Panic attack? That sounds scary."

"I'm sure it is, Tiny. Do you want to go check on him? I can take it from here."

Mitch almost considered saying no, wanting to help out, but decided against it and scurried down the hall as quick as he could. He pushed the door open slowly, peeking inside the room to make sure he wasn't interrupting.

What he saw, was just Scott and Travis sitting beside each other, both of Scott's arms around Travis' stomach in a sideways hug, while Scott pressed his ear to Travis' chest.

Travis had a hand on Scott's back, and the other on the side of Scott's head to keep his ear on Travis' chest. "You're better than that, Scott. Don't let that get to you. Just... Think of Mitchie, okay? Happy thoughts."

Scott nodded a little, closing his eyes as he did so. "Okay."

"Tell me about him, honey."

Scott sniffled a little before he spoke, squeezing Travis' waist a little tighter. "He's beautiful, Trav... He's such a gorgeous person. And he's so sweet and kind... He makes me feel like I have a purpose. Even when Avi pushes me around, and when other Alphas make me feel less than..."

Travis rubbed his back a little more, as Scott sniffled a few more times.

"Mitch has always been there to support me... Even when he and I are arguing, somewhere deep down I know he still loves me. And I know that... Though my childhood house wasn't really a safe place... He'll always be here. He's..." Another sniffle. "He's my home."

Travis nodded slowly. "He loves you a lot, honey... He wouldn't want you to be beating yourself up like this. Like you always do. You don't deserve that. He knows it, I know it, and I think you know it too."

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