Chapter 42

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Upon leaving for the day, Travis drove Alex and Jake back, while Todrick drove the others.

Kevin was sat in the very back with Kirstie, because she'd wanted him to tell her about everything that he read about that day in the library. Grace had fallen asleep in Kirstie's arms, so they conversed quietly.

Mitch sat in between Scott and Avi in the middle seat, listening to them speak across him about things Avi wanted to know regarding the paperwork Scott had been doing.

They weren't even halfway through the drive, when Mitch suddenly gripped Scott's thigh tightly, giggling a little.

Scott placed his hand on top of Mitch's, just to keep him happy while he continued to listen to Avi.

Mitch whined though, not wanting to be ignored, and he squeezed Scott's leg as hard as he could, his nails probably digging into his skin.

Scott hissed and pushed his hand away. "Ow! Don't do that."

Mitch whined again. "Alpha... Pay attention to me."

"I always am, honey. What's the matter?"

"Will you play with me?"

"Of course. What do you want to play? I think we have a deck of cards in here somewhere."

"Nuh uh. Not that way. I wanna play."

Scott tilted his head a little. "Are you hungry, Mitchie?"

"Mhmm. Very hungry."

Scott looked over to Avi. "Hey, we need to stop for food. Mitch is having an episode, if you know what I mean."

Todrick responded for him. "Listen... I followed Travis this time, and he takes a back road because there's less traffic. But I don't think there are many places to stop. I'll do my best though."

Avi instantly grabbed his phone. "I'll call Travis and ask."

Mitch acted like he hadn't heard anything that was going on, as he smirked at Scott and slid his hand up his thigh. "You let someone watch before... What's so different about this?"

"Mitch, no. Do not touch me. You don't know what you're doing."

Mitch pouted at him, reaching over to make a grab for his pants, but Scott grabbed both of his wrists to keep his hands away.

Avi hung up his phone, looking to Scott quickly. "He said there isn't anything for a few more miles."

Mitch whined loud enough to grab the attention of everyone in the car, struggling to get his arms free. "But... But... Alpha."

"No, Mitchell. I said no."

"Please please please please pl--"

Avi was the one to snap at him. "Mitchell, shut up! Tell your instincts to calm the Hell down, because I do not have the patience for it today."

Scott frowned. "Av... I know where you're coming from, but please don't tell him to 'shut up'. Especially when he's in such a fragile state of mind."

Mitch leaned into him. "Thank you for being nice to me even though other people aren't."

"Mitch, I'll be honest. You're being a little irritating. And you know very well, Avi doesn't handle irritating very well."


"So stop being irritating. Just sit quietly like everyone else, please." He paused, putting his arm over Mitch's shoulder. "I'm not trying to be mean, baby. I just don't want you and Avi to go at it."

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