Chapter 15

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Scott and Mitch finally walked back into the hotel room, after making it up the elevator.

It took less than four seconds for Scott to rush over to Alex's bedside, and he turned Alex onto his side. "Are you crying?"

Alex moved away from him, and wiped at his eyes. "N-No."

Scott frowned down at him, and knelt down on the ground next to the bed to meet Alex's eyes. "I'm not here to judge you, Xander. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Sir." Alex's eyes widened a little when he looked over at Mitch, the memory coming back to him.

Mitch grinned at him, walking a little closer. "Don't worry, Allie. I already told him about the kiss, and he forgave me and stuff."

Alex shook his head. "No, it's not--" He looked to Scott briefly. "Though, I am sorry for that." He looked back to Mitch. "It was just a nightmare. It's okay."

"About what?"

Alex looked away. "Nothing."

Mitch rolled his eyes, walking over and setting his hand on Scott's shoulder. "You should Alpha Voice him. Does that even still work anymore?"

Scott looked up at him with a frown. "Mitchell. No."

Mitch giggled. "I'm only kidding."

Scott looked back to Alex, his tone as kind as he could muster. "What was the nightmare about, honey?"

Alex gave Mitch a pointed look, and Mitch nodded slowly. "Oh.."

Scott didn't get it. "Mitch? You had a nightmare about Mitch?"

Mitch squeezed Scott's shoulder a little. "No, it's.. It was about our old Pack."

"Oh... Oh, Alex I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" He smiled a little. "Do you want an Alpha hug?"

Alex nodded once. "Please?"

Scott stood up, and leaned over the bed to hug Alex as well as he could.

Mitch sat himself down on the edge of the bed, watching Alex. "Allie? Will you tell me what happened in the dream?"

Scott tried to pull away, but Alex held his shirt tightly to keep him where he was. "I don't want you to have to relive it too, Minnie."

Mitch frowned. "Please? I want to know."

Alex frowned too, releasing Scott so he could sit next to Mitch. "But... Are you sure, Mitchie? I don't want to scare you."

"No, come on. Tell me."

Alex frowned, sitting up in the bed and folding his hands in front of himself to give him something to look at. "Do you remember... A month or so after you'd joined the pack... And Jamie first tried to whip you?"

Mitch's posture stiffened a little. "Yeah."

"That day. That's what I dreamt about."

Mitch took a deep breath. "You never told me what happened after I left the room."

"Well neither did you. Did you go to our room?"

"Of course I did. And no one bothered me until you came back. I promise, I was perfectly fine. I mean... Besides knowing that you were in there getting hurt."

Alex smiled a little, leaning forward to grab Mitch's hand. "Good. That's good. I always wondered."

Mitch squeezed his hand. "Your turn. Tell me what happened."

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