Chapter 63

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When Alex walked into the house, he was immediately grabbed in a hug by his favorite Beta, whom he lifted off the ground immediately.

Todrick hugged him tightly, letting his feet leave the ground. "God bless. I've missed you, Allie. And I didn't burn your food this time, I promise."

Alex grinned widely. "I missed you too! Can I sit next to you at dinner? Please?"

"Of course you can."

Alex placed him back on his feet carefully, before standing up nice and tall again. "Can I see what you're doing in the kitchen?"

Mitch snorted, sitting at the table with Kirstie. "You mean Kevin?"

Kirstie smacked his arm, and stood from her seat, Grace in her arms. "Hi, Allie."

Alex hurried over, grin as wide as ever. "Hi, Kit! And hi, Gracie!"

Todrick closed the front door, waving Alex to follow him as he wandered back into the kitchen. Alex shuffling after him like a curious child.

Kirstie almost followed, but instead turned to Mitch, who was now talking to Jake.

She quickly got Mitch's attention. "Mitchie, would you hold Grace for a second? I'm going to run to the bathroom really quick."

Mitch did as he was asked, grinning down at Grace while Kirstie rushed off.

Alex walked back into the living room with a frown, though the frown dissipated the instant he saw Mitch. "Hi, Mitchie!"

Mitch didn't feel the need to turn. "Hey, Allie."

Alex hurried to sit beside him, hands folded on the table politely where Jake could see them. "How has your day been? Since you've gotten home from the Counsel, I mean."

Mitch shrugged, Grace mumbling something to him. "It's been alright. Scottie and I watched a movie before he had to go. Pretty relaxing at least."

"Oh good! That's good! Lots of people don't take the time to relax these days."

"I know." Grace mumbled something to him again, and Mitch nodded. "I agree. He is looking rather attractive today."

Alex giggled. "Aw, that's cute!"

Grace giggled right back, almost as if she were trying to communicate with him, since his form of communication was similar to hers.

Alex noticed, and waved at her. "Hi, Gracie!"

She spoke just as loudly as he did, with just as much excitement.

Alex didn't quite understand her, so he giggled again. "You are just the cutest thing!"

Jake smiled fondly at him, leaning his elbow on the table to keep his head turned in Alex's direction.

Grace said something else to him, and he responded, to which she spoke even more.

Mitch finally laughed, and offered Grace over to him. "Want to hold her?"

"Oh, no thank you. I shouldn't."

"Why not?"

Alex's demeanor changed immediately, as he sat up a little straighter to get himself out of the situation. "No particular reason."

Kirstie rushed back into the room, and grinned at Mitch. "Thank you, Mitchie."

Alex jumped out of his seat, and gestured toward it for Kirstie to sit down. "Here."

"Oh, that's okay. I'll just sit over there."

Alex shook his head once. "Please."

She didn't question it, and took a seat, allowing Alex to push her a little closer to the table. "Why, thank you."

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