Chapter 60

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Alex came over after Mitch had eaten breakfast, Kevin being the one to drive him over.

He and Alex then disappeared into Mitch's room, and didn't come out for a few hours.

Scott resisted the urge to check on him, and instead went outside with Kevin and Todrick to do yard work.

He was glad the Betas had been keeping track of everything, weeds and watering the plants and such. Avi simply couldn't be bothered with such minor things, though Scott is sure the Betas knew that.

About an hour into their work, Kirstie came outside with a few plastic cups, and a pitcher of lemonade. She'd grinned, and hurried over, though she was careful not to spill the drink at all.

Kevin tapped Scott's shoulder, so he'd turn around and meet Kirstie's eyes. Scott grinned at her, and walked over to take the pitcher from her, curious if it was too heavy. "This is nice of you to do, Kit."

Kirstie just shrugged. "Least I could do! I've been inside helping Alpha take care of the house payment and he seemed stressed, so I made him something to eat, and then realized I should make something for you guys too."

Kevin just smiled. "Very motherly of you."

"Speaking of! Did you know that Grace isn't taking as many naps now? Which is cool, because I get to hang out with her more."

"I'm glad to hear that, Kirstie." Kevin responded, as Todrick handed him a cup of lemonade.

She nodded and smiled, before grabbing the pitcher and pouring Scott a cup as well, and then passing it to him.

Scott smiled right back at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead as he took the cup from her. "Thank you."

Kirstie felt her heart swell a little at his action, loving their concrete friendship. "What have you guys even been doing out here? You've been out here forever."

Todrick shrugged, looking up at the trajectory of the sun. "Only been about an hour."

Kevin continued, answering her other question. "Just a few housekeeping things. Pulling weeds, planting some new things, trimming trees and bushes."

Scott gave Kirstie a tired smile. "We're proper landscapers."

Kirstie reached forward all of a sudden, first rubbing at a spot of dirt on Scott's bare arm, and then running her hand through one side of his hair to get a leaf out of it. "I see that."

Kevin regained Kirstie's attention. "Maybe when Avi's done, if he doesn't seem too tired or anything, you could ask him to come out here and make sure we're doing it right? I wouldn't want to fix his house in a way that isn't to his liking."

"I'm sure he won't mind, but of course I'll ask." She paused. "Why is it his house? Not 'ours'?"

"Because he pays the majority of the bills. Just like when you were living with your parents, it's their house because they pay the bills. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, Sir. It does. Thank you." She paused, glancing at the house, and then looked back to Kevin. "I think I was supposed to tell you we're going to the Counsel tomorrow, but I'm not sure if that's what he said. He kind of mumbled at me."

Scott interrupted, unable to filter himself after the thought had passed through his brain. "Is Mitch okay?"

"I haven't seen him. Alex came down to say hi, and he hung out with me for a few minutes, but then he left and hasn't come back out."

"But is Mitch okay? I know you haven't seen him, but you couldn't hear him at all? Like he isn't crying or anything is he?"

"Sir, I'm sure you'd be the first to know if he was. You could just go check on him if you want."

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