Chapter 61

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The next day, when the pack of six went to their jobs in the Counsel, the day was particularly strenuous.

Avi had been outside with the Alphas for nearly four straight hours, as the previous Commander had stopped by that day to teach a few more things.

Kevin had gone as far as to leave Todrick alone in the library, because Scott needed help with the work he'd been handed.

Kirstie and Mitch had gotten into an argument in the kitchen, leading them to keep Alex in an awkward position with both of them trying to have his attention.

Scott finally just stood from his seat, looking at the door rather than at Kevin. "You should go help Todrick. I'll be back in a little bit."

Kevin had no choice but to listen, because Scott then walked right out the door.

Scott approached the kitchen, finding Mitch easily. He waited quietly for Mitch to walk over to him, bright smile on the smaller boy's face, until Scott threw Mitch over his shoulder and turned to leave.

Mitch almost yelped, but kept it together, watching Scott's feet carefully to see where they were going.

He only questioned it when they were outside the building. "Scottie? What are you doing?"

"Taking you to get tested."

"The pregnancy thing? Isn't it too soon to tell?"

"No. Kevin said 'second week'."

"Okay." Mitch paused for a second, accepting his answer. "Scottie? Why are you carrying me like this?"

"Figured it'd be the quickest way out."


Scott stopped walking, placing Mitch back on his feet, and then pointing to the car. "Walk with me?"

Mitch nodded, straightening out his shirt a little when he turned to walk across the parking lot.

Scott caught him quickly, offering his hand. "Give me your hand please, baby."

Mitch complied, wanting Scott to be content. He didn't speak up again until they were in the car.

Scott had glanced over at him. "Don't forget to buckle, Angel."

Mitch did so, and then aired his thoughts. "Scottie, I'm nervous."


"What if I'm pregnant?"

"Are you really asking me that?" Scott glanced over, pulling the car out of it's parking space. "If you're pregnant, we'll have a baby."

"I know you already said that you'd be okay with it... But do you promise? I don't want you to be thrown into all your bad memories and stuff."

"I promise I'll be okay, babe."


"Kevin says we're not supposed to swear."

"I'm being serious."

"I know, I know. I swear, Mitch."

Mitch looked down at his own stomach, whether it was in fascination or anxiousness, Scott didn't know.

He took one hand off the wheel to place on Mitch's thigh instead. "It's all gonna be okay, Sweetheart. Don't overthink it. Let's just... Live in the present, okay? We don't know anything yet."

Mitch placed his hand on top of Scott's, eyes locked on his own wedding ring. "You're right. It's all going to work out."

"Exactly. And regardless of what happens, know I'll be standing right beside you the whole time. Nothing that the test says is going to take you away from me. Understand?"

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