Chapter 44

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Scott carried Mitch on his hip down to the dinner table, Kevin and Todrick already doing a quick prayer over their food.

Kirstie patted the seat beside her, grinning at Mitch.

Scott gently set Mitch down in that specific seat, and then sat beside him.

Mitch smiled at Kirstie. "Hi. Where's Gracie?"

"It's past her bedtime, Mitchie."

"Oh, oh. I knew that."

Kevin began putting plates down in front of the others, Todrick grabbing drinks of some kind from the kitchen.

Avi spoke up after the table had been quiet for a few seconds. "How are you feeling, Peanut? Are you like... Drowsy at all?"

Mitch shrugged, looking down at his new plate of food. "Nothing I'm not used to. But usually I wake up in Alex's arms, y'know?" He chuckled to himself.

"Does he usually need to tell you what happened or anything? Do you need us to elaborate on anything confusing?"

"No. I understand that I got all 'hungry equals horny' again. That's usually when Alex gives them to me, for protection."

Scott turned in his seat to thank Kevin as he walked by, as well as thanking Todrick when he walked past as well.

Mitch watched him do both of those things, before turning to look back at his food, realizing he'd been staring. He was still reeling from the pills, but he was familiar with the feeling. It wasn't really a shock to him as it was to the others at the table.

They ate mostly in silence, but not necessarily from the day's events. Todrick spoke up every now and then to say something to Kevin, probably about his cooking.

Kirstie was just taking time for herself, where she wasn't constantly worrying about her baby.

Scott would occasionally speak to Mitch, making sure he was okay and all the other cute things he'd say. Or sometimes he'd just lean over to kiss Mitch's temple, or his ear.

Mitch would smile at him each time, sometimes responding and sometimes not.

Scott's phone rang in the middle of it, but he still spoke softly to whomever was on the other end. "Oh! Yeah, he's fine. Nice of you to ask though. Would you like to speak to him?"

Scott hardly even hesitated, as he passed the phone to Mitch. "It's Alex, babe."

Mitch snatched the phone quickly, holding it up to his ear using both of his hands. "Hi, Allie!"

Mitch giggled at whatever his response was, covering his mouth with one of his hands before he responded. "No! I didn't say that!"

Scott smiled at him, before turning back to his food. Kirstie reached across the table and tapped Scott's arm to get his attention.

Scott looked up at her immediately. "Hi."

Kirstie grinned. "Hi! How is your food?"

"Really good."

"Oh, good. Kevin's a great cook... When Mitch woke up, was he like.. Confused or anything? Did you have to explain it to him?"

Scott shrugged a little. "Kind of. He seemed kind of used to it. But he was really hungry. Only... Not the horny kind of hungry. But just.. Upset."

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