Chapter X

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Well, technically not me. xD

This wonderful, beautiful, talented human being helped me write it.

And by helped me, I mean she cranked out almost 700 words and I did about.. 5 xD



Ahhhhh (how have I gone four books without a single chapter of straight smut lol)

Anyway whatever it's SMUT people. That's your warning :* Also it's HETERO; That's your second warning xD

Avi woke up again, seeing that it was close to dinner time.

He wondered briefly if he should try to cook for the next time Kirstie got up. Maybe he could check on Grace while he was at it.

Avi had only just sat up, when he heard a soft whimper.

He laid back down slowly, turning onto his side so he'd be able to run his fingertips lightly along Kirstie's upper arm.

Avi was kind of hoping he could keep her calm so she could get more sleep, because he knew how exhausting a Heat could be.

Kirstie whimpered again, and Avi shushed her quietly.

Avi leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "Shh, baby. It's okay."

Kirstie's eyes opened quickly, and she whined at him, her eyes almost immediately going blue. "Alpha, please."

"Are you sure, Kit?"

She nodded eagerly, reaching her hand toward his lower region in an attempt to motivate him.

Avi grabbed her, growling low in his throat. She shuddered as he licked her throat and nibbled at her ear.

She could only make out the words that he growled out,"Mine."

Kirstie shuddered in pleasure as he ripped her top and bra off in one swift motion.

He gave a low growl of pleasure as he molded his hands to her perky and soft breast. "All mine."

Avi rubbed his hands across them before rubbing his thumb across her nipples.

"Yours, Sir." Kirstie managed to choke out in confirmation, knowing it would bode well with his instincts.

She gave a gasp as he pulled her closer and sucked her erect nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

His green eyes soon darkened into the smooth red color. He whipped off his shirt and pulled her chest to his. He lifted his head and kissed her slowly and tauntingly.

He ran his tongue over the seam of her mouth and at the slight hesitant separation of her pink pouty lips he slid his tongue into her mouth mapping out her cavity, memorizing every inch of it.

He worked his way from her gasping mouth down her slim neck sucking, nibbling and licking his way down to her collar bone.

Meanwhile his hand ran down her soft stomach to her hips, caressing and molding to her body only to move again grasping and petting as they went.

Avi unbuttoned her pants and slid them to her knees, wanting them to keep her restrained for a moment so that he could tease her body to his will.

Avi could feel the Alpha inside of him humming in the pleasure of that thought.

He finally pulled them all the way down, snapping her lace panties along her hip bone experimentally.

Avi moved to settle her in between his long muscular legs, her back to his chest, and spread her legs wide. He gently tugged her hair moving her head so he could see her face.

With a shark-like grin, he kissed her with every bit of lust that he could. He moved his hand to her nipples, pinching and tugging at them until she was squirming with desire.

He slid her panties over her hip and down to the edge of her thighs. Her thighs still spread open made her panties stretch across and dig into her skin.

Avi broke the kiss and quickly flipped them over. Kirstie gasped at the sudden movement and giggled once she looked up at her smirking Alpha.

He reached down and pulled her panties the rest of the way off. He then finished stripping and silently climbed back up onto the bed. Smiling slightly, he leaned down and kissed her closed eyelids.

Kissing her mouth slowly, sensually he lowered himself down so they could feel each other's naked bodies. Avi was not only teasing himself by doing this, but teasing Kirstie.

He wanted her to feel as crazed as he did right then. He ground the tip of his cock against her clit, adding just the right amount of pressure for her to give a small whine of pleasure.

His member ached at the picture of his mate looking up at him, blue eyes shining bright.

Kirstie's hair was messy and kinked up, her nipples tight and hard, her stomach muscles clenching, her legs slack and spread.

Avi could again feel the Alpha inside, this time numb in content at the sight of his gorgeous mate.

Avi lined up his erection and teased her entrance. Rubbing his cock against her and slowly pressing his tip.

Soon enough Avi slammed forward burring himself into her in one hard thrust. "Ahhhhh!" She  screamed in pleasure.

Avi and Kirstie panted in pleasure,"God, Kirstin." He growled out pounding his hard shaft into her body forcefully.

He slammed hard into her, grinding their pelvis' together trying to find that one spot inside of her that would bring the utmost pleasure.

Kirstie grabbed at Avi's shoulders, pulling him closer as he hit her spot over and over. He continued his movements, letting her find her release.

Avi was still achingly hard but slowed down and kissed Kirstie with all the love and passion he had in him. He was moving gently now, his shaft moving firmly but in slow strokes as he made love to his mate, his wife.

"Alpha." She mumbled softly. He looked up at her content ridden face. "Yes, Princess?"

"I love you." She whispered, running her fingertips along his coarse beard.

"I love you too, beautiful." He replied,"So, so much."


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