Chapter XXX

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The second part of the smut y'all.


*puts head down -- shuffles away quickly* what would my mother think of me?


Mitch's head snapped up toward the door, and he whispered as quietly as he could. "Alpha?"

Scott made a quick decision, and pushed himself back in to the hilt. "Yes, baby?"

Mitch covered his mouth so he wouldn't moan, but pushed back against Scott. "Sir, someone's at the door! Don't--"

Scott shoved himself back in again, eyes red now. "Lucky them."

He had come to the conclusion that he could be rough, if he let a little bit of the Alpha out.

The doorbell rang once more, Mitch having to use both hands to cover his mouth now, as Scott found a rhythm for himself.

Scott quickly reached around Mitch to grab both of his arms and pull them behind Mitch's back. Scott held them there with one hand, his other hand slipping down to grab Mitch's length, making it absolutely impossible for Mitch to restrain his voice, as he let out loud, desperate moans.

Scott smirked at him, the noises being plenty motivation for him to pound into Mitch a little harder. Scott was now very aware of the person at the door, as the person walked across the porch to leave the house.

Scott then dropped Mitch's length from his hand, and brought his hand up to Mitch's neck to pull him backward, just enough to stand up, arms still behind him as his back arched obscenely.

Scott rested his forehead on Mitch's shoulder, so he'd still be able to look down at himself going in and out of Mitch's body, but his face wasn't showing to whoever the stranger was.

Mitch made a few loud noises, completely vulnerable to the person walking by. Mitch made eye contact with him for a second, before he shut his eyes out of pure embarrassment, and when he opened them again, the man was hurrying down the driveway and running down the sidewalk.

Scott didn't relent at all, still pounding into Mitch as roughly as he could, though Mitch was now trying to free his hands, which Scott allowed him to do of course, wanting Mitch to be as comfortable as possible.

At first he didn't know what to do with his hands, now that they were free. Most likely from the lack of oxygen getting to his brain.

Mitch then brought his hands up to Scott's hand on his neck. "S-Sir, please." He groaned out, before moaning loudly again.

Scott released his neck, and Mitch immediately fell back into the counter, hands out to catch himself as he desperately searched for breath, while also pushing himself back into Scott, so Scott would know he was okay and he wanted to continue.

Scott let out a few moans of his own, gradually getting louder, as he reached for Mitch's length once more. "You close baby?"

Mitch nodded his head wildly. "Please, Sir. Can I..?"

Scott felt himself getting closer, as he placed his other hand on the small of Mitch's back for more leverage, hips snapping a little faster than before. "Yes, baby. Come for me."

Mitch felt like there was a rubber band in his stomach, being pulled tighter and tighter until Scott ran his thumb over Mitch's tip, and the rubber band snapped as Mitch emptied all over himself and the counter.

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