Chapter 65

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Esther had giggled at Scott, when she'd cut the birthday cake, and he told her that he didn't like cake.

She'd tried to hand it to him anyway. "That's silly. Who doesn't like cake?"

Scott took the plate and passed it over to Avi. "Me, apparently. We had an Omega in our pack for a while who'd never even tried cake, so. I think that wins."

Avi snorted. "I guess you could say.. That takes the cake."

Esther laughed loudly, clearly fake, and then rolled her eyes. "That's a good one, Avi. It's a wonder you don't have more friends."

"It's a wonder you have an Alpha."

"It's a wonder you have a wife."

"It's a wonder--"

Michael finally held up a hand. "Enough."

Scott was grinning widely from watching the two siblings, but his face fell at Michael's tone.

Esther immediately handed him a piece of cake. "I'm sorry, Sir."

Avi's phone rang then, and after merely glancing at it, he slid the phone across the table to Scott without a word.

Scott saw Kevin's name, and hesitantly answered it. "Hey."

Mitch's voice came though quickly. "Oh thank God, you're still breathing. Kirstie's got me convinced those Kaplan's are going to eat you alive."

Scott grinned at the sound of his voice, wishing very much that Mitch could be here with all his confidence to say the words Scott didn't feel comfortable saying. "Oh, no. I'm just fine. Thanks though. Hang on just one second, honey."

He stood from the table, holding up his pointer finger, so Avi would know he would only step off for a little while.

When he'd made it down the hall, he walked into one of the bedrooms and began to pace. "Are you okay, baby?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason. I'm just making sure. I miss you a lot, and... I've never seen Avi act like this, and it's making me nervous. But I'm glad I could be here to help. I wouldn't want him to drive home angry, or have some kind of breakdown while he's here."

"That's nice of you. And I know he hasn't said anything to you, but he's probably happy you're there too."

Scott turned his back to the door, and lowered his voice. "But Mitchie, listen. His dad is like... Really scary. He tried to make Esther eat off the floor! Can you believe that?"

"I remember her saying something about it when they came over for the reunion that one time. And remember when we all stood in front of the couch and introduced ourselves to the parents? She was on the floor then too."

"That's horrible. It's disgusting, really. I can't believe Avi was raised in this household."

"Explains a lot, huh?"

Scott frowned. "Mitchie... Don't say that. He does the best that he can with what he's been given. Just like the rest of us. It's not like he's a complete monster. He has his moments, as do most people, but he bounces back. And it makes sense, when you think about the house he was raised in."

"Oh shut up. You're too nice."

"I'm just trying to be understanding. Michael is this horrible dictator person, and though Avi shows signs of it sometimes, he's not totally terrifying. He could be much worse."

"I guess that's true... We're lucky then?"

"Absolutely. I mean Mitchie, you haven't seen how Michael acts in his own house. He's like.. Rude, and disgusting, and fucking--"

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