Chapter XX

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Not gonna lie. This is 4000 words of pure smut, y'all. (Technically 4645 ish)

And it's a little bit kinky sorry not sorry.

Also, bc it's so long I had to split it into two chapters. So give me a bit to edit the second part, and then I'll have that out for you :*


Happy birthday to our Queen Grassi. Bow down b*tches ❤❤

(Sidenote; happy birthday to my other Queen, that we earlier established is Mitch's second coming xD)

P.S. What if I told you that the babies are coming within the next ten chapters? ;)


After the others left, Avi promising it wouldn't be more than three hours, Mitch went into the kitchen to find something in the pantry to snack on.

Scott snuck up behind him, speaking directly into his ear and causing him to jump. "Hey, cutie."

Mitch turned and pushed him away. "Don't do that! You scared me!"

Scott ignored him, looking over his head to see into the pantry. "What are you doing in here, babe? Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

Mitch rolled his eyes, turning back around, before bending a little to search the pantry. "Don't stare at my ass, please."

"Too late." Scott slid his hands up Mitch's thighs to grab his belt loops, and then he tugged Mitch's ass against his hips.

Mitch stood back up, feeling Scott slide his other hand up his torso, and then grab his neck experimentally.

Scott let go quickly, leaning to speak into his ear again. "Don't curse, Omega. Shame on you."

A shiver rippled up Mitch's spine, and his breathing quickened a little. "Scott... Wait."

Scott moved away quickly, not wanting Mitch to be uncomfortable. "Sorry... What's wrong, Angel?"

"Nothing, I'm just... You're acting--" His eyes met the bulge that was growing in Scott's pants, and he gasped. "Oh my God! Look at that monster in there!"

Scott's eyes widened, and he brought his hands down to cover himself. "Don't say things like that, that's so embarrassing."

Mitch giggled, taking a step forward, and trying to get into a different character. "Have I embarrassed you, Alpha? Will I be punished?"

"I mean, if you want to be." Scott replied offhandedly, and then grabbed Mitch's wrists with one hand, and slid the other down his back. "Is my little birthday boy feeling naughty?"

Mitch tried to pull his arms out of Scott's grip. "You're so kinky. Let me go."

Scott again obeyed immediately, not wanting to hurt his Omega. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted... But I'm sorry. I must've misunderstood you..."

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