Friendly Surprise(Mark)

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Jack was discharged from the hospital three days later, and we got in the car. He was anxious to get home. He hadn't seen Matt and Ryan at all. They'd been too busy with the classes and... other things.... to come see him.

"So. How are your eyes?"

"I can see the trees. But not the individual leaves. And I can tell there's words under that M on the McDonald's sign. But I don't know what they spell out." Jack sighed.

"At least you got most of your sight back." I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, trying to cheer him up. "Hey, speaking of McDonald's, you wanna hit the drive through and get some ice cream?"

His broken eyes lit up like stars. "Yeah! Can I get a dipped swirl cone?"

"If that's what you want baby."

He put a hand on my thigh, dangerously close to... you know. "On second thought, I think I'd rather have something else for a treat."

I laughed, smacking his hand away. "Maybe later kitten."

He kissed my cheek. "Oh absolutely later."

We pulled into the drive through, and he got his swirl cone. He opened his mouth wide, and started to eat it as sexually as he could until neither of us could keep a blank face. We both burst out laughing.

That was such a beautiful sound to hear come from him again...

We pulled up under the carport. Jack got put of the car and walked inside.

Three people leapt up off the couch.


"I'm sorry, who are you?" Jack took a step back.

"Conan. Conan Heffernan."

"Oh my god Conan!" Jack hugged him. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Oi. What are we then?"

"Eanna! Padraig!" He hugged his former band mates. "What're you all doing here?"

"Your kid looked up our band like you told him to. And he got in contact with us, wanting to know why the band broke up." Eanna said.

"I'm going to need to apologise again." Jack laughed. "Which one of you is Eanna?"

Eanna raised a hand. "You okay mate?"

"No. Actually. I got kidnapped by a serial killer and he nearly drowned me in rubbing alcohol."

They laughed. "Good one."

Jack pulled off his shirt to show them the little cuts all over him.

They fell silent, until Padraig spoke. "That's Metal."

Sean's voice shook as he relived it in his mind. "And absolutely terrifying. It got in my eyes too. Nearly took away my sight. Everything's still really blurry."

Padraig's face fell and he pulled his friend into a hug. "Holy hell Sean... I mean... Ryan had told us you were in the hospital. But not why..."

Jack hugged him. Before walking over and sitting back down onto the couch. "Trust me Padraig. It's fine. I wouldn't have believed me either if I hadn't been there."

"And you still haven't introduced us to this guy. Who's this?" Conan pointed at me.

"Hi." I waved. "I'm Mark. I'm a cop. And his husband."

Their jaws all dropped, and a look of confused disgust crossed their faces. I braved myself for the worst.

"You married?" Eanna sputtered. "You out of all of us was the first to marry? What? How the bloody hell did that happen? Ugh.. marriage." He mock shuddered in revulsion.

Jack sat laughing. "When I moved to America. He was in my class on the first day at the highschool, the teacher partnered him up with me since we had the same schedule, and that was it. He had me."

I sat down next to him as Conan burst out. "How long?"

I answered. "Ten years. Six married."

"Holy fuck." Conan swore.

We talked and just shot the shit for hours. And I don't think I'd ever seen Jack more at ease.

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