Missing Him(Mark)

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I got into the front of his squad car with a suspect, Joey Graceffa.

"Joey! Joey! No stop you've got the wrong man! You're making a mistake! Joey!" His boyfriend, Daniel Preda, was being held back by my partner, Officer Ash, as I drove Joey away in the car.

"Please, officer. I didn't do anything. Let me go. At least let Daniel come with me..." Joey pleaded from the backseat of my cruiser. "Please. I miss him. I didn't do this."

"I miss mine too kid."

"Your wife?" Joey scoffed. "I have to deal with hate just to have my love with him. Don't even try to compare yourself to us you son of a-"

"No. My husband."

He stared at me. "Your husband?"

"Yes. He got onto a flight to Ireland this morning to visit family. He'll be gone for a month. He's the band teacher at LA High."

"Huh." Joey went silent.

"In all honesty, I don't think you did it, the murders. But it might be someone you know." I sighed.

"Can I at least take these cuffs off? They're really tight." The man pleaded.

"Soon. Procedure. They stay on. Sorry." I pulled into the station. "Oh hell. The media is here." I pulled out my radio. "This is Officer Fischbach. I need a distraction while I drive around to the back door. I have the suspect for the Lacerator case in my car."

Understood kid. I'm on my way. Drive past them. Quickly, and meet me back down by the boardwalk. A thick Manchester accent answered my call.

"Yeah, see you there Aaron. Thanks."

I drove off to meet my partner down by the boardwalk.

"Aaron. Thanks."

"Sure Mark. I'll go in, sirens blazing with Avidan and Hanson, you drive to the back door." Aaron clapped me on the shoulder. "Good luck shorty."

"Oh shut up." I got back in my cruiser, and started to take the long way around. I heard the sirens wailing.

We got to the back door without incident, and I heard Aaron yelling at the media. I dragged Joey inside before the reporters caught on to the ruse.

I dumped him in the interrogation room, and took off the cuffs.

"Thanks..." Joey said, rubbing his red wrists. The cuffs had left deep lines in his skin. He wasn't lying when he said they were tight. "I don't want everyone thinking I did it."

"I know you don't. But we are going to say we have a suspect in custody. That might draw him out, if he thinks you're stealing his glory. And, you want some ice for your wrists or something?"

He nodded. I left, and returned, tossing him an ice pack.

"Will I be safe? And what about Daniel?" Joey asked, his voice shaking.

"I'll bring him to my place. I won't let anyone hurt him."

"How do you know it isn't him?"

"He doesn't fit the profile." I said.


"We're looking for a white, bisexual male in his early to late twenties. He may often talk about how interested he is by the thought of violent deaths, and he may do strange things that are out of the ordinary, and violent, perhaps even showing hatred towards the same gender and opposite gender. We found a dildo near the scene, along with a Barbie doll that both looked to have been stuck-"

"In a waffle iron." Joey finished.

"How did you know that?"

"I was there for that... we did that at my house. it was just a bit of fun... Oh my god I didn't ever think he could do something like this..." Joey panicked. "He's a close friend. He has a key to our house. He owns a gun. You need to get Danny out of there now if he knows I'm here." He sobbed, getting up and pacing.

"What's his name?"

"Shane Dawson."

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