Sweet Pea(Mark)

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I sat, taping the concert. The anthem was beautiful. Now it was time to see what he'd been hiding from me. He told me I'd find out what it was tonight.

Jack looked unsteady and nervous as he stepped to the mic.

"All of you except the freshmen parents remember Daniel Lee Kyre."

I froze. What?

"He was  bright, beautiful young man, and I was proud to call him a member of this school, and even more proud for my...." He paused. Was he really about to reveal his secret to half the school?  "My husband and I to call him 'son'. He wrote music when he was happy, and I've been planning this for a long time, transcribing into the wee hours of the morning, and learning guitar from. Daniel we love you, and miss you, and we gope that wherever you are, youre happy. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy, Sweet Pea."

The drum bashed, and my husband started playing the chords, along with the other kids. It died down a little, and Nate opened his mouth, voice ringing loud and true.


A broken staircase sits a wolf,

Hiding darkly in a room.

Loving his father, a man,

With stories from the war.

He raised her on the shore,

Loving his daughter, a dame.

Who will carry the same name,

As her mother, to her grave.

That's filled with her body...

The band kept playing, before Eanna cut them off as the piece ended.

Jack took the mic. "Thank you Daniel, we love you. Your father and I miss you so much. And so do your brothers." He took a deep breath, wiping his eyes. "Half the proceeds of this concert are going to the international 24/7 Crisis Line, and a jar for donations will be present at the front office for the remainder of the school year. Anyway, I'm rambling. Give it up for Eanna Doran, and Nathan Sharp!"

The audience exploded into applause.

"And for Mr. McLoughlin!" Wade shouted. Various random notes rang from the band as the audience applauded again.

Sean took a bow, blushing.

The crowd dispersed as the lighrs came on, and I turned off the camera. I got up onto the stage, a litfle off to the side, and Jack walked over. I picked him up, and spun him around before leaning against the wall, and letting him kiss my lips briefly.

"That was beautiful, Sean..."

He blushed. "I'm sorry I hid it from you..."

"No! That was perfect! I loved the surprise!"

A shout came from Bob. "If you ship Mr. McLoughlin and Officer Fischbach, play your instrument as loud as you can!"

The auditorium was mostly empty at this point, but the feq people left, jumped at the suddent blast of discordant notes.

Eanne walked up to us. "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah. But let's stop and get some ice cream first." Matt interjected.

"When did uou two get here?"

"We've been here the whole time."

"Whatever. Lets go get ice cream." Jack took me by the arm, and our family walked out of the school.

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