Back to School(Jack)

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I went back to school the next day, the class was overjoyed to see me. In no uncertain terms had they told me that the sub was a mean old bitch.

We had a couple guys staying with us. One of them had been the hostage that got shot, and the other was his boyfriend. Mark had promised to give them shelter until this was all over, since their best friend turned-serial killer knew where they lived.

I talked to Matt and Ryan after school.

"Fuck off Sean." Matt glared at me.

"Boys... please..."

"Go away." Ryan spat.

"He's awake." I stood, staring at them.


"He woke up while you two were taking your tests. He wasn't well enough for more than one visitor, but he wants to see you."

"Oh my god..." Ryan broke down into tears, and Matt hugged him.

"Get your asses in the car. You don't want to keep him waiting, do you?"

The shook their heads, jumping up. I smiled, getting in the driver's seat, and took them to go see Mark.

"Mark!" They hugged him, and he laughed.

"Hey boys. Ow. Ow."

"Sorry." They said in unison. They did everything together.

Mark talked to them about their tests, and he told them the story of the raid.

"Now, Sean wouldn't let you come see me while I was out."

"No he wouldn't. And it was a dick move."

"Boys, come here." He wrapped an arm around each of them. "My heart stopped a total of six times in the seven days I was out. He didn't want you to have to see that. Especially not you Ryan. Not after Daniel..."

Ryan got up, close to tears, and hugged me. "I forgive you."

Matt followed him.

"The nurse says I can go home tomorrow, but I need to commandeer your room kids."

"Why?" They groaned.

"Doctors orders. I can't go up and down stairs for a while."

"Fiiine." They groaned.

I loved them so much... the boys had been a part of our family since the year I married Mark. We were 21 and 22 then. Now Mark had just passed his 27th birthday, I was still 26. So six years. Wow... it's seems like just yesterday we'd picked up three bright, smiling, teenagers from their group home.

"Sean, can you take them home? I'm feeling kind of tired..." Mark's voice jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Ryan, Mattie. Head home." I tossed Ryan the keys.

"How are you gonna get in?" Matt asked.

"Leave the spare in the usual spot."

"No!" Mark burst out. "Just in case... take the rock and move it around the house somewhere else." We hide the key in a fake rock. He was worried about the killer finding it.

"Alright. See you guys later." Matt and Ryan headed out.

"I want you to go home. Keep an eye on them."

"Daniel and Joey both got guns and licenses. They've been at the shooting range all week from when they drop the kids off, to picking them up. They're better shots than you." I kissed him, climbing up onto the bed. "They'll take care of the boys. And uh, Bob and Wade want to visit tomorrow."

He smiled. "how've they been?"
"Worried. And asking about you constantly. they said they'd tell the class about us if they didn't let me see you. That's how worried they are, apparently."

Mark sighed. "I'd love to see them." He kissed me softly, pulling me in close as he fell asleep.

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