Back To Normal(Jack)

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I walked into the classroom, and sat down in front of the class.

"Let me hear the anthem."

"What?" Bob said.

"The Soldier's Song. You all have been working on it, haven't you?"

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah we have."

"I haven't heard the fruits of your labors yet." I raised my hands and they lifted their instruments.

They hit every note right, every beat perfectly.

Until the door opened. Well, that's an overstatement. They held it together almost perfectly as a head peeked through the open door. He waited for the song to finish before walking over to me, looking a little worried.

"Eanna? What're you doing here?" I stood.

"Mr. McLoughlin, who's this?" One of the kids asked. I think it was Gar, one of Wades friends.

"Um. Eanna. He's a friend of mine. Who's staying with Mark and I for a while. Who is also coming with me to my office. Now." I waved a hand at the kids as I grabbed his sleeve. "Practice on your own."

"Okay, it's not that I'm unhappy to see you E, but what the he'll are you doing here, and why do you look so worried?"

"Ryan collapsed in the middle of class so they called the first contact in his phone which was home and I was the only one there so I came here and they're taking him to the hospital-"

"E, good Jesus Christ Almighty. Speak slower. Ryan what?"

He repeated himself, slower. "-But they said it's not serious, he's just dehydrated so he'll need an IV drip for a day or two but he should be fine. I just thought you'd want to know."

I hugged him. "Can you take over while I go see him?"

"T-teach the class? I- i don't-"

"All you have to do is read the music while they play, and tell them where they fuck up. In more school appropriate terms."

"Okay. Okay, so larger RTTG practice."

"Yeah. And if you need help, Ask Bob. He's the most well behaved."

"Got it, tell them nicely when they fuck up and how to fix it, and ask Bob if I need help." He nodded.

"Yeah. All the papers you need are on the conductors stand." I hugged him. "I'll only be gone two hours at most. When the next class comes in, ask Matthias for help."

"Trust Matthias and Bob. Got it."

"Have fun. Don't be a hard ass." I gave him another hug before walking back into the classroom. I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair. "I'm headed out for a bit. Family emergency. My good friend Eanna is taking over while I'm gone. Treat him as you would me. Wade, Patrick, Gar. No bullshit out of you three."

They laughed. "Yes Mr. McLoughlin."

"Bob, keep them in line. And tell JP he better not give Eanna any shit as well."

"Yes sir." Bob smiled.

I started to leave the room. I hung outside the door for a few seconds.

"Hi. I'm Eanna. Uh... I've never don't this before. So, how does this usually go? I mean, Sean said you guys are working on my and his national anthem?"

"Mr. Eanna, how do you know Mr. McLoughlin?" I heard Patrick's voice, muffled by the door.

"Were were in a metal band in high school and early college. Raised To The Ground. Sean was our drummer. And a fuckin good one at that."

I stuck my head back in."E. Language."

"Sorry Sean."

I walked away, catching a few  words.

"Have you ever heard him play? Like, really play?"

"No." Came from all the kids.

I got in the car and headed to the hospital.

"Ryan Magee, admitted for dehydration."

"What's your relationship to the patient?"

"Father." I said.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to have to call security if you don't leave. His father is already here."

"I'm his father. Please."

"Security, please escort this man from the premises."

Two big burly guys grabbed my arms and started to lead me away.

"Please! The man already in there is my husband!"


I heard Mark's voice and I pulled away from the men. I ran to his arms and he looked up, angry. "Jack. Baby, what's going on?"

"Eanna told me what happened so I came here and at the counter I said I was Ryan's father but they thought I was some sort of pedophile because his father was already up there so they tried to take me away!"

"This is your husband, Mr. Fischbach?"

"Yes." He said coldly. "Now if you're done accusing him, we're going to see our son."

He pulled me off without another word.

"How is he?"

Mark sighed as he kissed me softly in the elevator. "He's okay. Not awake yet, but he'll be back to normal in a few days."

I broke the kiss as the elevator dinged. We walked down the hall, and to Ryan's room. A nurse was bent next to him, adjusting the IV.

"Mr. Fischbach, you're back. And you brought a friend."

"Indeed I did miss Minx."

"Your son is out of the danger zone, and should wake up soon. Would you... want to go down to the cafe, grab a coffee maybe, before he does?" She said.

"I must unfortunately reveal to you, that I am a married man."

"Really?" She blushed.

"And, You're a nice girl and all, but even if I was single, you're not my type."

"Oh. I uh... why not?"

He smiled sympathetically. "It's not you, it's definitely me." He went to kiss my cheek, bit I turned my head and it landed on my lips.

Miss Minx sighed. "Why are all the cute guys either gay, or taken...?" Her pager bleeped. "Oh! I'm needed down the hall. If you need anything, press the red button." She scurried off, and I pulled up a chair, and sat beside my son.

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