Thank You My 100

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Almost 2 years I've been on Wattpad....took me that long to get 100 followers. Quite honestly, I didn't think I'd last long here. Didn't think I'd even get this far. And yeah, compared to the "Wattpad Juggernauts" as I like to call them, 100 isn't really a lot.

I once told a friend (-high_asf) that although whatever you may consider a small amount of followers, is actually a lot! Just take that number, and try to imagine THAT many people, bunched into a room together. Now look at that crowd in your head for a moment.....everyone there, is your follower.

So I'm proud to have my amount.

I'm proud to have you all be there with me every step of the way.

And I'm proud to have gone this far.

But even more, I'm proud to call you all "My Followers," "My 100."

I'm so thankful for you all, your votes, comments, and silent readings (yeah, I know you're out there silent readers; my votes don't match my reads 😂)

It means so much to me to have guys and gals like you out there to be reading my rookie stuff. So, once again, thanks for taking that time to do so.

*Vote if you liked. Comment if you have anything to say. And follow, so we can shoot for 200! Thank you everyone.

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