Just little thoughts and shmeels; a Random Book filled with likely to be crazy things that you don't even know if they'd make sense or not...I mean, I know they don't, so-
(Yep, that was a forced callback to the title- YEE HAW)...
I just realized it's past a week, but you know what, I'm not dancing, no one wants to dance, so I'm just gonna break that one rule, because who cares? 😂:
1. I hate cranberry juice. 2. I used to have ADHD (cured it with just video games, no medication at all 😏). 3. I think licorice isn't that bad, but it depends on the candy that's flavored with it. 4. I also like the chocolate flavored water ice from Rita's. 5. I can a mile in about 4 min 50-ish seconds. 6. I am 144 lbs! 7. I do not smoke (anything). 8. I do not drink alcohol (yet, still waiting 'til the age). 9. I wear a retainer in which there is a false tooth attached to it. Which leads to the next fact- 10. I have a gap in my upper set of teeth and it's because the adult tooth was never developed. To keep that gap open, I wear the retainer with the tooth, so that when I'm 21, I can get the surgery to fill that spot....In regards to when I wrote this, I still have three more years! By then, I should be six years on Wattpad! 😮
11. I had two fried eggs, a round beef sausage, and toast with almond butter for breakfast (May 17, 2017). Oh, and a cup of apple juice and coffee with these little lemon wafers.
12. I wear glasses, but only to see far. However, I think my vision is worsening, so there may be a point where I have to wear them ALL the time (you'll know when this happens when I update my profile picture)!
13. I am relaxed right now. How about you?
*I honestly don't know who to tag, I've tagged you all way too many times, so I think I'll break another rule for everyone's sake! 😂 Unless you volunteer, then by all means, go ahead! Share, follow me, vote, and/or comment for this if you liked! Thaaaaaanks....(it's an avocado!)