Watch the changes from afar

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ALERT ALERT: 18 y/o and below, skip to the next chapter if you don't want your life to go to waste. ;)

□□ He almost left her dying to get fresh air, left her to breathe on his air. □□

..It was not that effective to her. 

She desperately kept on trying though. The first time she tried it, she can't feel anything really weird. She looked around and saw their eyes getting a little heavier than the usual with every puff. And she was just staring at them like a lost kid. She felt like she has gone to a wrong concert where everyone was happy and she was in the middle, confused or really bored.

Rian stared at her and blinked his eyes. His heavy eyes were becoming unbearable. His big eyes looked funny.

"Zack is a good teacher." he remembered that she does not know how to do it, or how to make smoking weed effective to her. Well, at least Rian paid attention to Kirsten's smoking weed problem.

"How did you know the smell of this?" Jack asked as he blew out the smoke from his mouth and nose. His big brown eyes were still a feast for Kirsten. She never imagined seeing Jack with smoke coming out of his mouth and nose. But even if he already started polluting the room, he still looks good in Kirsten's sight.

She was a little thankful of not being intoxicated yet. She cherished those rare moments of the band slowly, trying to record every picture of it on her mind. Their giggles, the uncontrollable body actions and the way they said that everything was moving.

The random topics of conversation were so fun to listen to. Kirsten was just staring at them, laughing not because of the weed, but because of what she was seeing around her. Those guys are funny people, but they are still funny as hell in a different way at that time.

"My boyfriend and I did this before, but its just, my body does not react properly to it. But I'm thinking that maybe its just me."

Zack instructed her how to do it carefully. Step by step until Kirsten started to pick up the techniques. Zack started to giggle while being a talkative teacher. It was the rarest sight. Kirsten was pretty positive she was the only fan who has seen him like that.

After a minute, "You're almost there. Get more air."

It was already her fifth try and finally, she felt her eyes became a little heavier. She wasn't able to stop herself from giggling.

"That is what I'm talking about!" Alex exclaimed, and he danced around like a clown slowly.

"Move your ass!" Rian told Alex while he was at the center of the lounge.

"I'm moving it! Shaking it double time!" But he was not getting any faster. Alex felt like he has done a lot already so he sat down immediately after half a minute. He was losing his sense of timing.

So they went on, and Kirsten was having late effects. The four were already giggling like teenage girls seeing their crushes. They were slouching like spineless dummies for a science experiment too. But they still chat, even if they are all talking about different things.

Kirsten was laughing like a mad girl along with the others, but she can still think more rationally compared to them. At the back of her mind she was trying to fight it, but she's on the edge of losing herself as well. 

After an hour, Jack started to point out weird things. He was insisting that the lava lamp is like a colorful cocktail drink. A strawberry juice with some pineapple jellies.

Zack took off his shirt. His hot and muscular body attracts Kirsten's eyes so much. He was sweating a little too! The light inside the bus makes his body shimmer. Shimmer, not sparkle, not like the gay vampire's - much hotter than that.

Rian was trying to play the electric guitar without the amp. It looked a little awkward for Kirsten though. She has seen Rian trying the guitars but he was not high at that time.

Alex was making smoke rings all around the lounge. He was blowing it into their faces. 

Kirsten was consistently practicing every minute. She was still trying to catch up with all the fun. Not knowing that she was already high, just like them. She still thought that it was not enough.

Jack tapped her and pointed the lava lamp on the other side of the room. Then he stood up on the couch and whispered to everyone, "The floor... is lava" then he giggled like a 3 year-old kid who saw Santa Claus.

"ooohh.." Kirsten answered as she put up her legs on the couch and hugged it. She giggled hysterically with Jack.

"Really?"  she sarcastically asked after.

Jack sat down again and took some smoke from his joint. He held Kirsten's face and kissed her in a quite forceful way. He held on to her cheeks to made sure that she will get everything.

"Oh, that is one way of doing it." Zack commented, pertaining to a good way in smoking. He high-fived with Alex whose puffing all the smoke to Rian's face, making a kissy-kissy face after.

Jack was breathing out to her mouth, as well as making out with her. The three just ignored it afterwards. It was their night and they will have fun.

The normal brain explosions that Kirsten was having was replaced by fuzzy and dream-like thoughts. She was making out with Jack. She swore that moment will go down in her autobiography. Her heart was beating like crazy. She did not know if it was because of the weed or because of Jack's kiss. But either way, it  both made her heart beat like crazy.

She felt lighter, everytime she shared the air that Jack breathes with. She coughed a little after taking a lot of air from Jack's mouth. He moved his head back and kissed her again after.

A cloud of smoke hovered around them. He was still going forceful on her. Jack kissed her upper lip, then went downwards to her lower lip. He got really excited that he accidentally bit Kirsten's lower lip.

"Ow-Ow!" Jack moved back as Kirsten held to her lower lip. 

She looked at him, and everyone else disappeared from her sight. It was like her senses finally gave in, and her cloudy vision made it impossible for her to notice her surroundings. She was feeling lighter and funny. She giggled like a crazy kid. Her heavy eyes and giggles were like a tease for Jack, and he seemed to be very attracted by it. His body was so attracted to it.

Jack looked around, and the three were doing their own businesses. Kirsten became more intoxicated compared earlier. Her eyes were almost shut, and her giggles were not stopping and was turning high-pitched in every minute that passed by.

He took some smoke again, and passed it to her through a kiss. It's not that forceful anymore. It was more like a sweet, passionate and gentle kiss.

He has a devilish grin that any fan would die to see. He led her to the room at the end of the tour bus. He almost left her dying to get fresh air, left her to breathe on his air.

Thankful for the articles and videos about weed. A little tempting. ;)



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